Its not the end of the story

808 36 59

The story- conan gray
Please listen to this song while reading this chapter x

A year after soobin left~

Soobin had finished packing his bag.

He was heading downstairs to say goodbye to his dad.

He had so many emotions in his mind.

He was happy to be returning home but he was also nervous to see everyone again.

And he was sad to be leaving his dad.

And Jake.

He'd connected so much with Jake. He'd helped him through so much and he'd never been more thankful to have a friend.

He walked downstairs with his bag in hand and a frown on his face.

"I'm ready to go dad" he gave a sad smile

"Okay kiddo, I'm going to miss you keeping me company here but I'm sure you're mother misses you too, and that boyfriend of yours" he chuckled.

"Oh shush I'm kind of scared to see him again"

"Oh don't be, when you see each other it's like the world will fall back into place" his dad patted his back.

"Now go before you miss your flight"

"Goodbye dad I'll see you when you get home" soobin gave his dad a huge hug before throwing his bag over his shoulder and heading to the airport.

He hoped in jakes car that was waiting outside for him.

"You okay?" Jake asked once he got in the car.

"I've been better" soobin chuckled.

Jake patted his knee for comfort. "Don't worry everything will be okay"

And with that they set off.

They reached the airport and Jake walked with him up until he was waiting to board the plane.

Soobin turned to his friend.

"I'm gunna miss you bud" Jake started to tear up.

"Don't cry jakey" soobin wiped his friends tear away. "You'll make me cry" soobin was already tearing up.

"I'm sorry, you're the first r-real friend I've had s-since I broke up with him." Jake cried. "I hope you and Yeonjun work t-things out. I wish you the b-best"

"You two Jake know you can always come and v-visit you're a-always welcome" soobin wiped his face that was stained with tears.

"I love you man" Jake cried hard.

"I love you two brother" soobin brought him into a hug.

They didn't want to pull apart. Right until soobin got called to board. He tour himself off of Jake.

"See you later alligator"

Jake chuckled. "In a while crocodile"

Jake stood and watched until soobin was now out of sight.

And then he began to cry again.


Soobin took his seat on the plane still crying.

He felt like all he ever did was lose people.

He was sick of crying.

So this is when he made a promise to never leave again.

He would do anything for Yeonjun.

And he will fight for his forgiveness.

He's going to kiss his face off when he first gets the chance.

Excitement suddenly hit him.

He was going to his love of his life after so long.

And although he was nervous he couldn't wait to see his beautiful face again.

So that's why all throughout the flight he sat back with his earphones in trying to stay relaxed.

Until he finally reached land climbing off the plane and wanting to rush home as quickly as he could.

And when he finally reached close to home his excitement couldn't have been higher.


Yeonjun waved his boyfriend goodbye as he left his house in a happy mood.

He began his walk home feeling light as a feather.

Feeling asif nothing in the world could damage what he had now.

He walked pasted Soobin's house.

No longer avoiding it like before.

He turned a corner seeing a figure at the top of the road.

He squinted feeling like it was so familiar.

Must just be a student.

The two boys got closer and now yeonjuns eyes started to widen.


No this can't be.

This isn't possible.

This better be all in his head.

The two figures reached each other and now stood 2 metres apart.

Neither spoke yet.

Just stared at the other.

One of them in confusion and the other looking excited.

Yeonjun shook his head in disbelief.



Le gasp.

Soobin has returned.

I hope the song finished at the end of the chapter hehe.

And I hope you didn't cry :)

Until next time ❤️x

I'm no good at goodbyes/yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now