Soobin's house

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4 months ago~

Yeonjun and soobin eventually carried the study session on after clearing things up about what happened.

Nothing much was said just that Yeonjun confronted him and said "I know you're confused and feel awkward about it but let's just move on okay? We won't mention it again" and that settled it soobin nodded in agreement and they went on with their day.

They went back to studying outside since Yeonjun knew he wouldn't control himself alone in his bedroom.

Well that was until-

"My parents are out this weekend if you want to study at my place" soobin spoke from under his desk.

"Oh-um- y-Yh okay" Yeonjun smiled nervously.

Soobin lifted his head up and smiled. "Great see you Saturday" and with that he left this classroom leaving yeonjun to sit alone.

"What is this uno reverse type shit" he said to himself then got up and left.


Truth be told soobin had no idea why he invited Yeonjun over. So now he's panicking hoping his parents will leave soon so he can start cleaning the house up.

"Okay well I think we got everything, well soobin we'll see you on Monday okay dear" his mother smiled to him.

"Yes okay bye now eomma" soobin kissed her on the cheeks then pushed her towards the door.

"Oh calm down hunny I'm going I'm going you look after yourself And no having girls over" she laughed then exited.


Soobin slammed the door in her face then rushed off to grab cleaning chemicals from under the sink.

"Operation clean the house is underway" soobin smirked then sprayed the bottle.


Around 3 hours later Yeonjun rocked up and began knocking on the door.

Soobin had just hoped out of the shower and was now rushing down the stairs trying to put his jeans on.

"I'm coming I'm coming!" He yelled.

He threw his shirt over his head whilst opening the door.

"Sorry I just got out the shower" soobin panted.

"Y-Yh I can see that" Yeonjun stared at where his stomach was once exposed only seconds ago.

Soobin cleared his throat and stepped away. "Come on in I guess"

"You want anything to drink? Eat?" Soobin asked as they walked to the kitchen.

"No thanks I'm good, bread" Yeonjun casually answered.

"Huh? Bread?" Soobin gave him a confused look.

"Well since you love bread so much I decided that's your nickname from now on" Yeonjun smiled.

"I.....okay" soobin still looked confused.

"Does that mean I have to think of a name for you?"

"Not necessarily it's up to you"

"Okay well I got nothing right now so let me give you a rain check on that"

"Anyways" soobin turned and began to lead Yeonjun to the living room.

"You sit there and I'll go bring my things down I'll only be a second" he then rushed off upstairs.

Yeonjun took this time to look around the room. He could tell soobin had been cleaning since everything was neat and tidy and look Asif no one had touched the place. Oh and the fact it smelt like chemicals.

"I'm back!" Soobin yelled as he entered the living room.

"I see that" Yeonjun laughed.

Soobin sat down next to Yeonjun and stared at him.

"Um so what you want to study fir-

Yeonjun was cut off surprisingly by soobin's lips pressing into his.

Shock rested on his face for a second until he melted into the kiss and was getting into it until soobin pulled away quickly.

"I- I'm sorry I- i don't know why I did that" soobin panicked and stood up.

"Hey it's okay stop apologising" Yeonjun was also now up on his feet. "You don't have to kiss me if you don't want to"

"I-I want to-to kiss you" soobin admitted.

"Then what are you afraid of?" Yeonjun placed his hand on soobin's cheek.

"O-other people" soobin put his head down.

"What do you mean?" Yeonjun furrowed his brows.

"W-what if they f-find out?" Soobin panicked "W-what if people know I-I'm gay" he continued.

"It's okay we don't have to tell people If you aren't ready alright" Yeonjun reassured him.

Soobin nodded his head and Yeonjun pulled him into a hug rubbing his back soothingly.

"You wanna try that kiss again?" Yeonjun whispered.

Soobin pulled away and nodded once again blushing.


Hallo, it is I. I'm in a good mood so I'm updating thanks to NCTzen_babies your comments are what keeps me here hehe.

Also good news I finished college yesterday and I'm now on Christmas break so I got more time on my hands you know what that means☺️

Ima update again soon so keep a look out I'm hungry so I'm off for lunch brb

Until next time ❤️x

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