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Y/n P.O.V.

Jimin and I walked through the crowd at the airport while holding hands as the security guards tried to handle the crowd. The reporters clicked our numerous photos and asked us a lot of questions. "Mr. Park, are you and your girlfriend going to the island for work basis or is it just an excuse for some romantic quality time with each other??" One of the reporters asked. "It's mainly for work basis but spending quality time with each other is also necessary." Jimin answered calmly. To be honest, I really love it when Jimin answers the questions calmly and manages to make others satisfied with his answer.

Jimin P.O.V. 

We both walked towards our seat and sat beside each other. Y/n took the window seat or had threatened me to take the other seat, before reaching the airport. She excitedly looked outside the window like a small child who got a chocolate as the airplane took off. She suddenly turned towards me and I looked away. "Do you want something, Grizzly darling??" She asked. "No, Polar darling." I answered. "Then why are you looking at me as if like you want something." She said and looked out of the window. "I was looking at the scenery outside which is more beautiful then you." I answered back and I could see her getting annoyed. 

Y/n P.O.V.  

I was pissed off by Jimin's comment and turned to look at Jimin to say something when I noticed two familiar faces at the other seat looking at us. As I noticed them, they hide their face behind newspaper and magazine. I don't exactly remember where I saw those two bearded men but they looked somewhat familiar. "Hey, don't those two men beside your seat look familiar??" I whispered in Jimin's ear. Jimin casually turned towards them while stretching his hands.

Author's P.O.V.

Jimin smiled mischievously and whispered but audible enough for the two guys beside them. "Since we both are dating... I'm gonna share the deep secrets of BTS." Jimin whispered and winked at Y/n. She smiled and said," Of course, I  did love to hear them." The guys stretched their ears to listen to their conversation. "You see... Jungkook is adopted." Jimin said. The man beside Jimin spitted his banana milk on the other man next to him while coughing hysterically. "What the hell, Kookie!!"Taehyung shrieked and started to clean the mess. "One time, Jungkook told me that Taehyung is gay and is dating Area 51's gay alien." Jimin continued as Taehyung glared at Jungkook. "I never-" Jungkook was about to protest when Taehyung spanked him. Jungkook tried to press his screams as he didn't want to draw unwanted attentions. "Well and one time...no wait it happened last night when Jungkook peed-" Jimin was only midsentence when Jungkook  jumped from his seat to close Jimin's mouth from talking further nonsense.

Suddenly, a man fired his gun on the air and said in a loud voice," Everyone don't move!!This airplane is hijacked!!" The man walked forward and looked at Jungkook who was in mid-air to press Jimin's mouth. "Hey weirdo beardo, why are you blocking my way??" the hijacker asked Jungkook who was wearing a fake beard. Jungkook was stunned as fear grew on him. "I said get out of my way!!" the hijacker shouted and pulled Jungkook by the collar to make him stand up. "Don't you-"The hijacker was only midsentence when a turbulence hit the airplane and Jungkook lost his balance and fell on top of the hijacker. The hijacker slowly got up looking for his gun which he lost while falling down. "You-"The hijacker was only midsentence when Jungkook puked on him. "Sorry-" Jungkook said, covering his mouth. "I will-" the hijacker was about to reach for his gun on the floor when someone hit him on the head with force that knocked him down.

 "I will-" the hijacker was about to reach for his gun on the floor when someone hit him on the head with force that knocked him down

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