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Jimin P.O.V. 

I slowly opened my eyes. I pressed my temples as my head was aching. I blinked my eyes furiously multiple times to adjust to the light of my surrounding.

A big chubby faced man was leaning towards my face with a magnifying glass in his hand.          

"What are you doing ??" I shouted and pushed him away which resulted him in falling down.        

 I looked around and realized I was in a police station.                                                                              

"Why am I here??" I asked. "Cause you had kidnapped an innocent soul, Mr. Park." The chubby police officer answered trying to stand up.                                                                                                

"For his evil desires." A female voice spoke from behind. I turned around the person whom the voice belonged to and found the same crazy girl who always attacks me while I try to explain myself. "I didn't kidnap you." I said calmly trying to control my temper. "Y/n, this is crazy." A girl beside that crazy girl complained. "Yes, Miss Choi  you need a proof to accuse him." The chubby police officer asked her. She frowned. Suddenly, her expression changed as she smiled. "I do have a proof ." She said and took her friend's phone and dialed a phone number. The phone in my pocket started to ring. Everyone except that Choi girl looked shocked.                  

"Oh my go-" the Choi girl's friend exclaimed as Ms. Choi smiled with a content look on her face. "So can you kindly explain why do you have her phone??" the police officer asked me. I could feel other people's gaze on me and some were even filming a video. "Umm.. I can explain." I said. "So please do explain." The police officer said.

"Cause she is Park Jimin's girlfriend." A familiar voice said.

 The door flung opened revealing Bang Si-hyuk, Ceo of Bighit entertainment. 

                                                Bang Sihyuk: Ceo of Bighit entertainment

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                                                Bang Sihyuk: Ceo of Bighit entertainment

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