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Y/n P.O.V.

"You mean you really got kidnapped??"Jennie asked with a horrified face. I nodded." Do you remember where he lived??"Jennie asked. I shook my head. "I don't clearly remember. "I said looking down, all tired. "I'm really sorry. I should not have left you on your own when you were drunk...."Jennie said and hugged me tightly. "It's alright..."I said."Heyyyy, lets cheer up!! I have got 2 tickets for BTS fan sign after so much hard work." Jennie said with a smile on her face. "Who are they again??"I asked. "Are you serious??"Jennie said with a pissed off face. "Anyways, you have to accompany me..."Jennie concluded. "Umm...Ok." I said.

~At the fan sign~

Y/n P.O.V.

"You mean I should also go and interact with them??"I asked giving a horrified look to Jennie. "Yup. After interacting with them you may also be an ARMY." Jennie said with a grin. "Why should I join an ARMY after interacting with them??"I asked with a confused look. "Oh my God. I mean BTS's fans are called ARMY." Jennie explained."Oooohh" I said after getting the whole process. 'Meh. I'm not interested...'Just for the sake of Jennie. "Ummm... Jen, I want to go to the toilet." I said. "Umm but my turn is going to come. Can you go by yourself??"Jennie said. "Okay." I said and walked out of the sign room. "Excuse me, Can you please kindly tell me the way to the toilet." I asked to one of the staff over there. "In the other end of the hallway." The staff said and walked away. I walked through the hall way looking for the toilet.

??? P.O.V. 

"AHHHH Jin Hyung come out already!!!" I screamed my lungs out banging on the door of the attached bathroom in our make up room. Let me use the public toilet instead then, I can't resist any longer.

Y/n P.O.V.

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhh" I cried out loud. "What are you doing inside the ladies washroom, you kidnapper??"I cried out to the kidnapper. He turned towards me trying to take out something from his pocket. 'It must be a gun.' Before he could do anything I hit him with my handbag I was carrying. "What the..."He was only midsentence when I took out the pepper spray I had been keeping since the "kidnapping incident" for my own safety.
"Aaaaahhhhhh!!!!"He cried out as I sprayed out the pepper spray in his face and ran out of the toilet. "Jennie, you won't believe it..."I was only midsentence as she said, "Your turn is going to come, get ready. "She said with a grin, She looked really excited so I planned not to ruin her excitement right now. "But I could not get to meet..."She was only midsentence when the guard called me as it was my turn.
A gorgeous man sat in front of me smiling widely."Annyeonghaseyo."The man said with a boxy smile."Annyeonghaseyo."I said smiling back at him. "Taehyung" was written on  a small board in front of him. "Your name??"He asked. "Choi Y/n." I answered. "Cute name just like you. "The man said and winked at me. "Thank you" I said and blushed. "Here's my autograph" he said and gave me his autograph. "Thankyou." I said smiling at him. "Nice meeting you." He said grinning widely. "Jungkook" was written in front of another guy who was equally hot like Taehyung. He just gave me a cute bunny smile as I smiled back shyly at him. "Annyeonghaseyo. "Jungkook greeted me and asked "Have we met before??" I shook my head. "Kookie, Where is Jimin??It's been awhile since he left and he hasn't returned yet." Taehyung asked looking at the vacant seat next to Jungkook. "Maybe he is suffering from dysentery. I clearly saw puke stains in his new suit today." Jungkook whispered in Taehyung's ear but loud enough for me to hear. Jungkook looked at me with a smile and gave me his autograph. "What's your name??" Jungkook asked. "Choi Y/n" I said. "Nice to meet you, Y/n" Jungkook said shaking hands with me. I shifted to the next seat but it was vacant.

So, I met all the other members and they all were sweet and cute which made me want to fangirl them. But, I'm really curious about the 7th missing member whom I've not met yet. "I couldn't meet Jimin. He is not here..."Jennie said in a sad tone.

Ohhh...so the missing BTS member's name is 'Jimin'....


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