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Author's P.O.V

" I think walking in a group would have been a better idea." Y/n said as they walked through the forest with a torch in their hand. "Don't tell me you are scared." Jimin said. "Of course not." Y/n said confidently trying to hide her fear.

As they both were walking silently, Y/n didn't notice a creeper and tripped over it. She flung her hands on the air as the torch flew on the air and she was about to land on the ground when Jimin caught her by the waist. "Thank yo-" Y/n was only midsentence when Jimin left her. "You jerk!!" She screamed as her face was about to land on the ground when Jimin caught the back of her collar which almost choked her. "You are welcome." Jimin said as he walked forward leaving her behind. "Sometimes I doubt he has personality disorder." She mumbled to herself as tried catching her breath, there was darkness around them as the torch had landed somewhere inside the bushes. Fear came across Y/n, she ran towards Jimin and grabbed his arm all of a sudden which made him smile. "Let's go and search for the torch." Y/n said still holding his arms. "Okay. You search it near the bushes and I will search at the other side." Jimin said. "No, lets search for it together." Y/n said, Jimin smirked as he got the answer he wanted. Both of them started to search for the torch together. 

Jungkook and Lisa walked silently along the forest when Jungkook spoke, "So, it was all a lie." Lisa froze on the spot and didn't answer. "I got to know everything." Jungkook said and looked  into her eyes, searching for answers as she quickly looked away. "But why did you choose to do it??" Jungkook asked. "Leave it, Kookie." Lisa said and pressed her mouth quickly with her hands as realization hit her and Jungkook smiled as she called him 'Kookie' after a long time. Lisa was about to walk away when Jungkook pulled her by her waist and kissed her all of a sudden. Lisa's mind went blank for a moment but started to kiss him back reluctantly. Both of them looked at each other with red flustered face after the kiss. Lisa hugged Jungkook and said as tears started to roll down from her eyes, "I'm so sorry, Kookie. I missed you a lot." "So, it was really all planned to fool me??" Jungkook asked as Lisa nodded her head. "I had no other choice. I overheard your convo with the CEO and I was scared Kookie....I was scared for your future..." Lisa said and started to cry. Jungkook hugged her and said, "I love you too." then kissed her forehead and continued to hug each other. "By the way, did Mark really confessed everything to you??" Lisa asked.  Jungkook shook his head. "Then, how did you come to know??" Lisa asked. Jungkook holds her hand and said, "The bracelet I bought for our first anniversary, you are still wearing it." He looked at the bracelet on her wrist as both of them started to kiss each other again. 

Yoongi stealthily walked towards the car when his body froze on the spot as he noticed a white slender figure walking towards him. 

"Don't worry, Jennie. I'm heart to protect you." Taehyung said as both of them walked together through the forest. "AAAAAAAAAHHHH!! Ghost!!" Yoongi cried and ran past them.  "Ghost?! Where?!" Taehyung screamed and hugged Jennie all of a sudden with fright. 

Jungkook and Lisa were kissing each other when suddenly someone pushed them away and ran through them, it was Yoongi. "Hyung!!!" Jungkook screamed in an annoying tone.

Jimin screamed mischievously as he stealthily crept behind Y/n who was busy searching the torch. "Boooo!!" Jimin screamed in her ear which frightened the shit out of her. "Aaaaaaaaahhhh!! You Jerk, You will never change!!" Y/n screamed and started to hit Jimin , he laughed and started to run while Y/n started to chase him. "I will kill you once I get my hands on yo-" Y/n was only midsentence when she tripped over another creeper. Jimin turned around and caught her by her chest when she was about to fall which made both of them turn red when reality hit them. Jimin lend his hand to help her get up, she grabbed his hand and pulled him instead to make him fall but her plan backfired when he fell on top of her. Jimin slowly tried to get up as he hovered over Y/n. They both got mesmerized as their eyes met in the moonlight, little did they know that both of them were getting butterflies. Jimin leaned closer towards her face as both of them closed their eyes when suddenly someone kicked him away.  

"AAAAAAHHHH!!" Yoongi screamed and kicked Jimin from the way in an attempt  to run away as the 'ghost' was following him. "Hyung!!!" Jimin cried out in frustration. The 'ghost' spotted Jimin and Y/n then walked towards them when suddenly someone hit on the head of the ghost which knocked her down. It was Yoongi with the 'lost' torch on his hand who had knocked her out. "Rosé!!" Y/n screamed as he fell on the ground, blood gushing from her head.

 "Rosé!!" Y/n screamed as he fell on the ground, blood gushing from her head

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                     Jimin and Y/n

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