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Author's P.O.V

"Whare am I??" Rosé asked as soon as she found herself on the hospital bed surrounded by unknown faces. Y/n spoke, " Rosé, I'm so sorry that Yoongi-" "Who are you??"  Rosé cut her off as Y/n looked at her with a surprised face. "And who is this Rosé??"Rosé continued to ask. Everyone looked at her in horror as Rosé looked back at them innocently. "For God's sake don't tell me she lost her memory!!!" Yoongi lost his shit, Hoseok and Namjoon dragged him out of the hospital room because he was disturbing other patients.

 "According to the report, she is out of the critical condition but she might take time to heal completely." The doctor stated. Yoongi nodded his head accepting the fact that he has fucked up and has to take the responsibility himself. After the doctor left, Yoongi sat in a seat alone outside the hospital room, resting his head in his palm with a frustrated look on his face. "So, what are you going to do??" Namjoon asked when he saw Yoongi in a critical state himself. "First is to think before hitting anyone in the head and second is to take all the responsibility." Yoongi said. "By the way, Jimin called her boss to inform her family members." Namjoon said. "There seems to be a problem, guys." Jimin said as he walked out of the room with a worried look on his face. "What else can be worse than this situation itself." Yoongi said. "Her family lives out of South Korea." Jimin said. "Don't tell me we have to go to North Korea to inform them." Yoongi said. "No you dimwit, they live in Australia right now." Jimin said as he rolled his eyes. "This is worst. I'm not going to Australia, it is more far away than North Korea." Yoongi argued as Jimin and Namjoon slapped their forehead. "We aren't going anywhere cause we don't have any other information about her parents." Jimin said. "Now, you expect me to go and look for her parents??" Yoongi asked. "Never mind" Jimin said. 

Yoongi handed a bouquet of Roses and a box of chocolate with a teddy bear to Rosé and said in a small tone, "I'm sorry for what I did." "We can't hear you." Jin said trying to pull Yoongi's leg. "I'm sorry!!" Yoongi said loudly and bowed down in front of Rosé. "Hyung, is it Valentine day today??"Jungkook asked. "No, Why??" Hoseok asked. "Then why did Yoongi Hyung brought a bouquet of roses instead of fruits??Its not like she can eat the roses." Jungkook said which made Yoongi turn red and kick him on the leg. "I hope you accept my apology." Yoongi said. "Okay but only in two conditions." Rosé said and folded both her hands in front of her chest. "And what's that??" Yoongi asked. "First is to go on a date with me." Rosé said which made Yoongi dumbfounded  and everyone in the room screamed, "Wooooo, nice move." "And another condition is to not kill us cause its a prank!!!" Rosé and the other BTS members started to laugh, Yoongi snatched the bouquet of roses and started to hit the other BTS members as they started to run out of the room and Yoongi chasing them while Rosé sat on the bed with a big grin on her face eating a chocolate.

"Jimin!!!" A girl ran excitedly towards Jimin and hugged him all of a sudden. It was Kim Jisoo. "I missed you so much!!!" Jisoo said and kissed him on his cheek as all the other BTS members and Yoongi with a bouquet of roses looked at them and at Y/n who was burning from inside, standing at the other end of the corridor. "I think someone's heart is going to break tonight." Taehyung said. "I don't know about heart but your bones are going to break for sure." Yoongi said and started to hit all of them with the bouquet of roses.

Author:*Warning*Lot of tears in next chapter.

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