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Author's P.O.V.

"JIMIN SAVED AN AIRPLANE AND GOLDEN MAKNAE FROM BEING ATTACKED." The news headline read as Jungkook rolled the newspaper angrily and threw it at Jimin. "Ouch. What?!" Jimin asked. "This headline is so humiliating." Jimin said and pouted sadly. "Thanks to me you are not shot on the head by that hijacker." Jimin said. "Yeah. yeah. Thanks a lot for saving my life." Jungkook said and moved in a dramatic way and looked out the Limo as they reached the hotel. 

"WE BOTH HAVE TO SHARE A ROOM!!" Jimin and Y/n shrieked together. "Yes sir, the Elle's have booked one VIP room for both of you." the receptionist answered. "I will just make a call." Jimin excused himself and walked away at the corner of the hall as Y/n followed him. "Congratulation, Jimin!! I'm so proud of you." Bag Sihyuk exclaimed as he answered the call. "Thank you. I called you to ask to book two separate room for me and Y/n." Jimin said. "It's okay Jimin. You can share room with other members." Y/n said. "Noooooo!!"Bang Sihyuk screamed at the other end and Jimin flinched at his sudden outburst. "You two are supposed to share the same room and act like couples cause the reporters might be keeping an eye on both of you." Bang Sihyuk explained. "Especially, beware of the hotel CCTV cameras." Bang Sihyuk warned them. "You mean you have no problem with us sharing a room??" Jimin asked trying to compress his smile. "No, I don't want the Elle magazine to get suspicious or feel disrespected." Bang  Sihyuk said and ended the call. "We have to share the room after all we are a coup-." Jimin was only midsentence when they heard someone scream on top of their lung, "Y/n!!!" 

Both Y/n and Jimin turned their head towards the person. Y/n's face lightened up after she saw who it was and ran towards the person screaming, "Eunwoo!!!" and hugged him tightly. Both of them looked happy to meet each other after a long time but someone not so far away didn't look so happy to see them meet.                                          

Y/n P.O.V.

Someone suddenly pulled me away from Eunwoo. It was Park Jimin. He had a dark expression on his face which could scare the shit out of anyone. Eunwoo gulped and then Jimin suddenly smiled sweetly changing the dark aura of  the room and asked, "Can I borrow her for a while??" "Of course, she is all yours." Eunwoo answered and laughed nervously.

 "Jimin...stop dragging me..." I pleaded but he didn't listen to me and continued to drag me. I smiled at the passers by so that they don't get suspicious or think that we are in a toxic relationship or something worse. Jimin opened our room's door. I pulled away my hand and hissed in pain as my hand was aching. "Are you deaf or did a demon possess you??" I asked as I looked at my hand which was still aching. "Don't you dare look at other men." Jimin said coldly. "I haven't and even if I do it's non of your business." I answered back. "It is. Cause I'm your boyfriend." Jimin said as he stared at me coldly. "Fake boyfriend." I corrected him when Jimin suddenly brought his face closer to mine, only a breath away which made my heartbeat stop for a moment. He holds my waist gently and pulled me closer towards him which made my heartbeat faster. I got lost in his chocolate brown eyes. I closed my eyes as he brought  his lips closer. One side of me wanted to push him away while the other wanted to continue whatever was happening.

"Surprise!!" Lisa and Jennie shouted and entered the room which freaked us out and resulted me falling in bed with Jimin falling on top of me. They both froze on spot as they both watched us slowly get up from bed. "What were you two doing??" Jennie asked first with squinted eyes. "Romantic times of course. I knew about it from the very beginning!!" Lisa answered instead and winked at me with a grin on her face. "And what are you two doing here??How did you two enter the room??" I asked trying to change the topic. "We missed you that's why we followed you till here but it was our worst decision ever and by the way you both got so busy that you had left the door slightly open." Jennie said and crossed her arms. 

Author's P.O.V.

You both are here then who is looking after-" Y/n stopped midsentence and looked towards Jimin who gave her a confused look. She pulled both Lisa and Jennie out of the room. "How is she doing??" Y/n asked. "Don't worry, Unnie. She will be fine." Lisa consoled and pressed Y/n's cheeks gently with her palm. "I know you are doing this all for her." Jennie added and hugged Y/n. "Don't worry your boyfriend will make everything alright." Lisa said and hugged Y/n.

"He always will." Jimin said softly.

           Cha Eunwoo: Y/n's friend (Maybe an introduction to 2nd male lead syndrome

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           Cha Eunwoo: Y/n's friend (Maybe an introduction to 2nd male lead syndrome.)

Broken Wings : JiminWhere stories live. Discover now