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Lisa dried the puppy's fur as Jungkook stared at her with pain in his eyes while drying his own hair. "I don't like people staring at me." Lisa spoke. "But I thought you liked to be the center of attraction." Jungkook replied back as he looked away from her. She sniggered and said, "Says the one who always wanted to be in the lime light." As she was about to walk away with puppy Jungkook said, "Leave the puppy to me" Lisa turns back at Jungkook and asks, "Why??" "Cause it needs someone who is loyal." "At least, I won't abandon the puppy." Lisa said in a sarcastic tone. "Wow, they are getting along." Y/n commented as Jennie agreed to her. "Don't seem so." Jimin and Taehyung said together. "I don't know why but I've got a feeling that another new couple is going to be formed soon." Hoseok whispered in Yoongi's ear. 

Suddenly, they heard Lisa screaming, "GIVE IT BACK TO ME, YOU BITCH!!" "NO, IT'S MINE!! I SAVED IT!!" Jungkook screamed back with the puppy in his arms as Lisa chased him all over the yacht. "Looks more like Tom met Jerry to me." Yoongi replied back to Hoseok. "Even though Tom and Jerry fought a lot they couldn't live without each other." Hoseok said with a smile on his face. "You are being delusional." Yoongi replied. "STOB(STOP) THIS CRAP!!" Seokjin screamed at Jungkook and Lisa. "Crab??Where is crab?!!" Namjoon screamed from the other side of the yacht. "Never mind!!" Seokjin screamed back. Jungkook attempted to run hugging the puppy in his arms as Lisa jumped on him and both of them fell on the floor. Namjoon took the puppy away from Jungkook as he groaned in weight of Lisa on top of him. "Fat ass almost broke my bones!" Jungkook cried out as Lisa was about to get up from his back. "What did you say?!!" Lisa asked in an annoyed tone and sat on Jungkook's back again. "AAAAAHHH!! GET OFF MY BACK!!"Jungkook screamed. "Only if you give back the puppy to me." Lisa offered an option calmly ignoring Jungkook's groans. "By the way, you both can support it together." Namjoon suggested as both of them blushed at the idea. "Together?? That's not going to happen in this life." Jungkook scoffed trying to keep a straight face and hide his blush. 

                                           Jungkook hugging the puppy

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                                           Jungkook hugging the puppy

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