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Y/n P.O.V.

I flickered my eyes open. I have got a really bad headache from last night with a really scary nightmare that I puked in top of a 'GORGEOUS MAN'. "I should go and make some coffee for myself to end this headache." I said to myself as I walked out of the bed. WAIT A MINUTE!!THIS IS NOT MY ROOM!! "Where am I??"I asked myself. "Did I lose my memory??"I asked myself." 'Am I kidnapped??'I thought. What if the kidnapper rapes me and murders me afterwards??'No way!!I'm too young to die I'm just 23 yrs old....' Suddenly, I got 'Ting' sound from my skirt's pocket. It was a message from Jennie. I had 10 missed calls and 4 unseen messages from her, she must be really mad at me as I had left all of sudden... The kidnapper is really stupid...to forget to take my phone away. I replied back to her-

 I replied back to her-

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Suddenly, an idea hit my head

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Suddenly, an idea hit my head. The door knob of the room turned, I was looking for this opportunity. As the man was about to enter the room, I pushed him with all my force and ran away from there. "HEY STOP!!"the 'kidnapper' man cried from behind but I was not a fool to stop. "You forgot your phone!!"He cried out again. Do I look like a fool to him to believe him. I ran out of the house and ran some more miles away. I slide my hand inside my pocket to take out my phone to call Jennie but I realized that I really had left my phone inside the kidnapper's house. But at least I'm safe and not a victim of human trafficking or something more worse.

Broken Wings : JiminWhere stories live. Discover now