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Author's P.O.V.

"JIMIN AND HIS GIRLFRIEND SPOTTED IN MACDONALDs" Bang Sihyuk readout the headline of the newspaper. "You seriously took her at Macdonald's ??" Bang Sihyuk asked. "Yeah.That's why its in the headlines and anyways that was the best way to show off my new girlfriend." Jimin answered and looked at the photo of Y/n and his with the delivery guy at the front page of the newspaper. "You could have taken her to a 5 star hotel or any fancy restaurant if you wanted to show off so much. At least others would have known how much high class you both are. "Bang Sihyuk said. "But she looked exhausted. So, I took her to the nearest restaurant." Jimin answered back. "Oh...so you really do care about her..."Jungkook barged into the room with Taehyung. "What a caring boyfriend she has got. I'm jealous." Taehyung said and wiped his fake tears. "But hyung, I thought this was all an act." Jungkook said. "You never treated us in a restaurant." Taehyung added. "But now you have got a girlfriend..."Jungkook said. "Fake girlfriend." Bang Sihyuk corrected. "Fake or real I have to lo-"Jimin stopped as he realized what he was about to blurt out. "Yeah... yeah... fake or real she is your first girlfriend. So, love her as much as you want." Taehyung said and winked at Jimin.

Y/n P.O.V. 

"Jimin took you at Macdonald's?!" Lisa screamed excitedly. "How did you know that??" I asked. "It's all over the internet." Jennie answered with a grin. "And in the newspaper's headline too." Lisa added. Suddenly, my phone started to ring and Lisa fell down in the ground once again. I picked up the call. "Tomorrow at 6 pm in Big hit office. Bye." Jimin said and ended the call without listening to my answer. "What the hell!! You are not my boss. Okay!!" I screamed at my phone. "Well practically he is. Since he pays you." Jennie said. "Anyway, when will our lecture end tomorrow??' I asked Jennie.

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