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Y/n P.O.V.

"Jen, it's not a good idea..."I said to Jennie as she offered me a glass of vodka. "Just one shot please..."She pleaded. "Jennie, I already hate this place we are at right now. "I complained. Yes, we were in a night club. I accompanied Jennie just because she pleaded and she is my best friend. "Please, try it..."She pleaded again. "Nope, I'm just drinking this Coca Cola instead. "I said and drank the whole glass of coca cola which was lying in the table helplessly asking me to drink it... "The coca cola tastes a bit weird today. "I commented. "Let me drink some more glass of Coca-Cola..."I said and drank more Coca-Cola which tasted equally weird as the 1st one. "BTW ,this Coca Cola doesn't tastes really bad. Why to waste the drinks??" I shrugged and drank another glass. "Wait a minute, who ordered Coca-Cola??"Jennie said all of a sudden. "OH MY GOD...you drank 4 glasses of wine??"Jennie said with a horrified face which made me spit out the wine from my mouth. "Your face is turning red. "Jennie said with a worried face. "Let's go home, Y/n. "Jennie said as she helped me to walk till the parking lot cause I was really feeling a bit dizzy and hot. "Oh Shit. I forgot my purse inside, Y/n. "Jennie said with a startled look. "Wait here for the car, the driver must be here any second. "Jennie said and fled towards the bar for her purse.

A black car suddenly came in view and entered the parking lot. "That must be the car meant to pick us up. "I said to myself and walked towards the car. The car got parked and I tried to open the door of the car but it was locked from inside. So, I walked towards the driver seat and knocked at the window of the car. The window which was shut slowly got down showing the face of a gorgeous young man. "How may I help you??"The man asked politely. All of a sudden I felt a sudden pain inside my stomach and everything came out of my mouth. "WHAT THE HELL!!MY NEW ARMANI SUIT!!"The man shrieked.
He got out of the car in front of me his face as red as a tomato. All of a sudden everything turned blurry and my wobbly legs gave up and the least I can remember is me falling in top of the man.


Author: Guess who the handsome guy is??

Y/n: For god sake is it Harry Potter??

                                                                 Kim Jennie :Y/n's best friend

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                                                                 Kim Jennie :Y/n's best friend.                 

                                                                    Park Jimin: Of Course the male lead >

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                                                                    Park Jimin: Of Course the male lead >.<

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