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Y/n P.O.V

"You two are supposed to lick the ice-cream from the opposite sides." Mark said as Rosé handed us a cone of ice-cream and Jimin gently holds the ice-cream as if like its an antique piece. "By the way, Isn't this suppose to be Jimin's shirt for the photoshoot??"Rosé asked. "Yes, it was supposed to be." Jimin said. "But I ain't complaining about shirtless Jimin." Mark said and licked his lips. "I mean you both look good and I'm not gay!!" Mark panicked after realizing what he said. "Okay...thankyou for the information but we never asked." Rosé said." Let the photoshoot begin." Mark said trying to change the subject. Jimin and I stood in the seashore  holding an ice-cream. Jimin looked at me as I looked away awkwardly. "You don't have to...if you don't want to." Jimin whispered in my ear. "One, two...." Mark said counting down. Jimin started to lick the ice-cream as I joined him. We both closed our eyes as our lips collided with each other frequently while licking the ice-cream. "Superb!!" Mark screamed which scared the shit out of both of us and resulted into the ice-cream falling on the ground. 

Author's P.O.V.

"I can't hold my tears back!!" Taehyung cried out and ran towards Jimin for a hug. "My bro did it at last with the one he loves!!" Taehyung said aloud as Y/n looked at him with a surprised face and he realized he was about to reveal things that were good not to. "I mean to say that you two don't show love to each other much often." Taehyung said trying to explain himself. "Are you sure about that." Mark mumbled under his breath. "That's alright the thing is that you stepped on the ice-cream." Y/n said. "Yikes!! My Gucci shoes!!" Taehyung cried out.

"The photoshoot is over!!" Mark screamed excitedly and ran inside his car and drove off, waving his hand to others. "So, we going??" Jimin asked. "No, we are going to settle here." Yoongi said with a tired face. "Not a bad idea." Jin pointed out excitedly. "I'm in." Everyone answered except Yoongi as he slapped his forehead for creating his own misfortune. "I'm going back." Yoongi said as he sleepily walked towards the car. "Hyung, Please don't go." Hoseok caught his hand and looked at him with his twinkling puppy eyes. "Arghhh...don't look at me like that way. It's not going to work." Yoongi cried out trying to look away.

"How long do we have to walk??" Yoongi asked as he walked lazily with the others. "Seriously, Hyung?? It's just been 5minutes since we started to walk." Hoseok said looking at Yoongi." "What, I've been walking for 5minutes?! Isn't it too long period of time?!!" Yoongi shouted as Hoseok slapped his forehead and said, "I don't know why but I'm not surprised."  

Everyone gathered around the bonfire, huddling their bodies together as the sun started to set. "According to the rumors I heard this forest is supposed to be haunted." Taehyung said aloud for everyone to hear. "What??Really?!" Jennie asked. "What nonsense talks." Yoongi sniggered. "Some years ago, a lady got murdered by her own husband and got buried in this forest, it is said that the dead woman's soul still roams around this forest." Jungkook said in a ghostly tone trying to scare everyone. "Now what are we supposed to do?? Search for the dead body of that woman to free her soul??" Yoongi said in a sarcastic tone. "Not a bad idea!!" Everyone shouted at once as Yoongi slapped his forehead.

"Lets divide each other into a pair and start the hunting. Jin and I are a team." Namjoon announced. "Then, I will choose Jennie." Y/n said. "Sorry, she is already with me." Taehyung announced. "I will choose Lisa then." Y/n said. "She is with me." Jungkook announced as Lisa looked at him being surprised. "What?!" Lisa exclaimed. "Yes." Jungkook said with a bunny smile. "No, I'm going with Y/n." Lisa rejected. "She is going with me!!" Jimin spoke. Y/n was about to speak when Jimin put his hand on her mouth. "I choose Yoongi Hyung." Hoseok said in a speed of light when Lisa was about to choose him. "I choose to sleep, bye." Yoongi announced and walked sleepily towards the car. "I think I choose myself then." Hoseok said as he noticed Jungkook looking at him with pleading eyes. "Fine." Lisa said in an annoyed tone. 

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