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Author's P.O.V 

Jisoo ran out of the hospital following Jimin. She saw Jimin and Y/n together soaking in the rain. 'I saw love in your eyes not for me but for her.' Jisoo thought and ran in the opposite direction with tears in her eyes. 'All these years I  searched for you to be rejected again.' She thought and started to slowdown a little to catch her breath. She  sat down on the paved road soaking in the rain.

*Flashback*(6 years ago)

"Jimin, I wanted to confess something to you for a long time."Jisoo said nervously with a smile on her face, she hid a rose and a box of chocolates behind her back. Both of them stood on the terrace of their university building.  "Go ahead." Jimin said with a smile on his face. "Actually, Ummm... I like you more than just a friend." Jisoo said presenting him the rose and box of chocolate, Jimin's smile dropped as he heard her. "Jisoo, you are cute and a good friend but I'm sorry we can't be more than that." Jimin said as his expression darkened. "But, why??" Jisoo asked. "Because I love someone else." Jimin said, Jisoo's heart broke as she heard him. she clenched the rose tightly, nodded her head and said with a forced smile, "It's okay, I understand." 

She ran out of the university with tears in her eyes. Droplets of water started to fall and it started to rain all of a sudden but she didn't stop to run. Jisoo slowly paced down to take a breath. She was all soaked in the rain. She sat on the paved road soaking on the rain when suddenly, she didn't felt the droplets. She looked above and saw a guy around her age holding an umbrella above her. "What's up??" The guy said with a smile on his face. *Flashback ends*

*Present day*

"What's up??" Jisoo heard a voice as she slowly looked up and what coincidence it was the same guy!!

Author's Note: Destiny??

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2022 ⏰

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