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Author's P.O.V.

"Honey, are you ready??"Jimin asked Y/n as she got out of the Bathroom after changing her clothes. Jimin looked at Y/n with his jaw dropped as she looked stunning in her bikini and shorts  and couldn't remove his eyes from her.

 Jimin looked at Y/n with his jaw dropped as she looked stunning in her bikini and shorts  and couldn't remove his eyes from her

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"Wow. You look so out of the world." Jimin confessed biting his lower lip. "Really??" Y/n asked with a smile on her face. "Really. Now to come back to the world wear something less revealing." Jimin said and pushed Y/n inside the bathroom again. Y/n ran out of the room as Jimin followed her. Jimin caught Y/n and held her hand tightly. Jimin noticed a man about to take out his phone to click her photos. Jimin smirked and took off his T-shirt and made Y/n wear it. Y/n was about to disagree at first but Jimin signaled her about the disgraceful man. 

Jimin couldn't help but notice how cute and stunning she looked in his oversized T-shirt

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Jimin couldn't help but notice how cute and stunning she looked in his oversized T-shirt. "What??" Y/n asked as she noticed Jimin staring at her. "You look like my polar bear." Jimin said and pulled her cheeks. "Stop it grizzly." She said and puffed pretending to be angry which made Jimin laugh at her cuteness.

Y/n laid her body in the deck chair facing towards the sun as she took off the T-shirt she was wearing for sunbath. Jimin kissed her cheek all of a sudden as she looked amazed. "Ooohh, this pic looks really good then I expected." Jimin said and showed Y/n the photo he just clicked of him kissing her as she tried to think straight and not to blush. "I will post this on weverse now ." Jimin said and uploaded it on weverse as she still tried to digest the fact that 'PARK JIMIN JUST NOW KISSED HER.' Jimin looked at Y/n's still amused face and said, "I'm sorry for kissing you without your consent. I will ask for your permission next time." 'He will kiss me again?!!' Y/n screamed inside her head.  

"Don't they look so cute together??" Taehyung asked as both of them looked at their bestfriend and their partner. Jennie just nodded her head and spoke, "I'm sorry for what happened this morning." "Actually, I apologize for making you hide under the table that too on our first date." Taehyung said and hit his forehead in a dramatic way which made Jennie laugh. "I ruined Jisoo's dress though." Jennie said and pouted sadly. "It's okay, I bought her a new one." Taehyung said and continued, "I didn't want rumors to spread but I guess I made the wrong mov-." "Isn't that Jimin's T-shirt that Y/n was wearing??Wow. What a loving boyfriend Jimin is." Jennie said as she looked at the couple. Suddenly, Taehyung took off his T-shirt and gave it to confused Jennie. "You might feel cold. Wear it." Taehyung said and winked at her as she blushed. "Oh thanks, Tae-." Jennie was only midsentence when Tae spoke, "Just call me Tae." "Okay, Tae." Jennie said as both of them gave each other an adorable smile. "Just look at these two couples." Jungkook looked at the two pair of couples Jennie, Taehyung and Jimin, Y/n and sighed sadly. Leaving the two pairs alone, Jin was busy frying squids, Namjoon was playing with the crabs as Jin had warned him to stay away cause he might burn down the whole yacht instead, Yoongi was playing dead and Hoseok was pretending to be doctor to save Yoongi. So, Jungkook was all by himself as he stared blankly at the deep sea from the yacht; Little did he know that someone  was already looking at him and was alone as he was. He noticed a small head pop up from the ocean and then he realized that it was a small puppy trying to swim and was at the edge of drowning. Without thinking much Jungkook jumped in the sea and grabbed the puppy and put it in top of his head. That's the moment Jungkook realizes that he can't swim. "Help!! I can't swim!!" Jungkook cried out flapping his hands helplessly as everyone in the yacht got startled and ran to save him. Someone jumped into the sea and held Jungkook tightly in her arms. It was Lisa. Jungkook got shocked when their eyes met for the first time. His heart started to pound fast as he met her again. Both of them didn't realize the yacht was drifting away. "Jungkook, Shark!!" Jin cried out and pointed behind them. Fear came across Jungkook, without hesitation he grabbed Lisa and swam Swiftly like a shark with the puppy on his head. Jungkook climbed on board with Lisa and the puppy still on his head. Jungkook looked back at the sea and asked, "Where's the shark??" "Oh it was a dolphin." Jin answered. "Really??Where??" Jungkook asked looking for the dolphin. "Oh, looks like it was a joke." Jin said and gave a windshield laugh.

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