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Y/n P.O.V.


Someone rang the doorbell. 

"I'm coming!!"I screamed on top of my lungs and ran downstairs to open the door. I peeked through the peephole and to my horrors it was that 'Handsome' kidnapper.

'Park Jimin.' 

Jimin P.O.V.

She opened the door. Her face looked shocked and scared.

"Why are you here?? Don't come near me!!" She screamed. "I came here to-" I said and walked towards her. She suddenly hit my head with something hard. I felt the world spinning and everything turned dark. I fell down on the ground.

Y/n P.O.V.

"I'm sorry." I said and ran to check if he was dead. He's breathing. Thank god. I did not want to end up in jail so young. I looked around if anyone saw what happened. Nobody was around so, I dragged him inside.

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