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Author's P.O.V. 

Y/n entered the bathroom as soon as she got inside the  hotel room. Jimin followed her inside the bathroom as the door closed behind them. "What are you doing here, you pervert!!"Y/n asked. "Of course to refresh and by the way, why do you even think I'm interested on you??" Jimin scoffed and was about to walk towards the toilet seat when "I got here first!!" Y/n said and pulled him back by his collar and pushed him against the bathroom door resulting on the door knob to come off. Both of them looked at the broken door knob in horror. "Look what you did. We are stuck inside now!!" Jimin screamed with fear visible in his eyes. "I didn't mean to do it." Y/n said being scared. "I have even left my phone back in the room." Jimin said. "What do we do now??" Y/n asked. "For now, just turn around and don't look at me doing my business." Jimin said and unzipped his pant as Y/n quickly turned away. "It's my turn next." Y/n said. 

Jimin sat on the toilet seat thinking of an idea to escape while Y/n laid on the bathtub. "I know it's my mistake that we are stuck here and I'm really sorry." Y/n said as she looked at Jimin's annoyed face. "Your sorry is not going to fix the door knob." Jimin said in an annoyed tone. "You should have not followed me inside in the first place." Y/n said and folded her hands in front of her chest. "It was an emergency, I couldn't think straight Okay?!"Jimin said. "Looks like we will have to spend the whole night over here." Y/n said. "Or a whole eternity if no one notice our absence." Jimin added. "Can I sleep beside you on the bathtub though, the floor doesn't seem comfortable enough to sleep on. " Jimin continued.

Y/n P.O.V.

I stood up from the bathtub to wash my face as Jimin glanced at me from the toilet seat. Jimin pushed me against the bathroom's wall all of a sudden and came closer with his intense gaze on me. "Jimin." I whispered and was about to push him away when he grabbed my hands and pinned me on the wall. "What do you want??" I asked him as he lowered his gaze on my lips and whispered, "You" in his husky voice.  He then smashed his lips on mine. My body and mind both froze trying to process what was happening. Last time, he told me that he would ask for my consent but look at him now making my heart flutter without my permission. He broke the kiss and looked at me with lust in his eyes. "I love you, Choi Y/n." He whispered in my ear. I looked at him in astonishment. "Can I have your permission to kiss you again??" He asked then pulled me by my waist and kissed me with his plump lips again. I slowly closed my eyes feeling the butterflies in my stomach and kissed him back letting his tongue dominate mine in the process. He trailed his lips toward my jawline and then my earlobes. He tenderly bite my earlobes as I winced.  He then moved his lips towards my neck and started to suck and kiss leaving hickeys behind as I moaned in pleasure, "Jiminaahh~" He turned me around facing the wall, unlaced the bikini's string I was wearing with his mouth and started to kiss my back. He opened the shower in the process.

 He opened the shower in the process

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"Y/n. Y/n." Jimin called out as his blurry image formed in front of me as he lightly patted my cheeks and sprinkled some water on my face. I opened my eyes as he looked at me a worried face. "Are you alright?? You started to sweat all of a sudden in your sleep." Jimin said with a worried face as I looked at him with a red flustered face. "I'm... okay..." I managed to say as I recalled my dream on my head. Jimin took off his hoodie and passed it to me as he noticed that I was shivering. "You might get cold." I said declining his offer. "Wear it." He said and sat beside me on the bathtub. "what are you doing??" I asked. "I need to sleep too. Don't get wrong ideas." He said and took out a towel from the hanger and used it as a pillow. I couldn't unsee his fine abs and toned body as he slept shirtless beside me. "I know this is an alluring view but I prefer to sleep without being stared." Jimin said with his eyes closed. "I was not." I quickly said and looked away with a red flustered face.

Author's P.O.V 

It's already 3 a.m. and Jimin is not being able to sleep while Y/n is sleeping peacefully on top of him. Y/n suddenly woke up as she felt the base below her was shaking and it was non other than Jimin. Y/n quickly stoop up from his body. "Jimin, quickly wear your hoodie." Y/n said and passed his hoodie back but he shook his head frantically declining it. "But you are shivering. You need it more than me right now." Y/n said but Jimin still shook his head. Y/n suddenly hugged Jimin's cold body and said, "You left me no choice." as she transferred her warmth in his body. "Hold me back." Y/n ordered as he hold her.

Author's note: So, how was the make out session, honey??😂😝

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