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Y/n P.O.V.

I walked out of my house to go to the university and to my surprise, right there in front of the gate was his black car. Jimin got out of the car and opened car's door for me. "Get in." he said. "But you said to meet at 6pm." I said with a confused look. "Boyfriend and girlfriend can meet anytime they want." Jimin said. "Oh my god...I need to go to college right now. Okay bye." I said quickly and walked past him but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back towards him. "Your boyfriend can drive you to your college." Jimin said. I looked around and whispered in his ears, "Where are the Paparazzi??" "Minding their own business or other's business." Jimin said. "Oh. Then I can walk by myself." I said and walked past him. He again pulled me back, this time pulling me by my collar which almost choked me. "What now?!" I screamed at him trying to catch my breath. "Park Jimin's girlfriend can't walk around like that it degrades his reputation." Jimin said. "If I can't walk to college then I will run to college." I said and was about to walk away when he suddenly grabbed me and pushed me inside the car. "What the hell!!" I screamed and tried to open the car's door but it was already locked. Jimin started the car and silently drove it. "This is kidnapping. I will call the cops." I screamed. "Go ahead." Jimin said and smirked, still his gaze at the road. I remembered the last time's incident at the police station which had dragged me in this scandal and said," Never mind." "Which university by the way??"Jimin asked. "Seoul National University." I replied.

Y/n P.O.V. 

Every single person's gaze turned towards the black BMW car as it parked in front of the University. Jimin got out of the car and opened the car's door for me. He suddenly holds my hand and walked inside the university with me. "What are you doing??" I asked with a soft voice only audible for him to hear. "Taking my girlfriend to her class." he said with a smile on his face as every gaze turned towards us. I heard girls squeal and run towards us or most probably towards Jimin cause in a normal day no one would even notice me. The place suddenly started to get crowded or we can say that the whole university including the dean of the university was there for Jimin's autograph. "Thanks to you I will be late for class." I said with an annoyed face. "You won't be the only one late today." Jimin said as he signed an autograph. "Oh my god, She is Jimin's girlfriend." A girl in the crowd said to her friend. "Jimin is too good for her." her friend commented. "I know right." the other girl replied. I overheard their conversation which made me a bit insecure. "But she is the only one who makes my heartbeat faster." Jimin said looking at me and holds my hand tightly. "And she is a lot better than you." Jennie snapped them and walked towards me. "We are late for class." I said to Jennie. "Guess what?? Even the professor's gonna be late." Jennie replied. "Ms. Min!!" Jennie shouted and waved at our professor, Ms. Min waved back at us from the crowd. "See. I told you." Jimin said while signing an autograph. "Means, we will miss our class today??" I asked worriedly. "This geek's never gonna learn." Jennie said and slapped her forehead.

It almost took half day for the autograph session and I returned back with Jimin in the car without attending any class. I didn't bunk the class because there was no class today, all thanks to Jimin. "Y/n, you are so lucky to have a boyfriend like Jimin." the dean had remarked while taking a group photo with us. 

"Thankyou for today..." I said to Jimin inside the car. "It's alright. No one can insult my girlfriend." He said and continued to drive the car.

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