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Author's P.O.V. 

"Where are the two friends of yours from last night??" Jimin asked Y/n as she silently ate her breakfast. "They are probably sleeping." Y/n answered as she sipped a cup of coffee. "You won't believe me that Taehyung literally threw me out of our room just because I was watching k-drama out loud." Jungkook said sulkily." "We believe you."Namjoon answered. "I would have thrown you out of this universe instead." Jin said and gave a windshield laugh. "Where is Taehyung though??" Jimin asked. "Must be sleeping peacefully after throwing me out the room." Jungkook answered with anger in his eyes. "I curse him that he get a kick on his ass today for misbehaving with me." Jungkook continued to sulk. 

Jennie lazily got out of her room to go for breakfast as Lisa was still having a shower. Jennie closed the room's door and noticed something scribbled on her door in block letters. "LEAVE BITCH." She could feel her blood boil as she noticed a blond head guy turn swiftly through the corner of the hotel's corridor who was Kai her ex boyfriend. "That bitch." She mumbled and marched towards him. She turned to the corner of the hallway but Kai was nowhere to be found. She spotted a blonde guy lazily leaning his body at a room's door facing his back towards Jennie and rubbing his eyes. She marched towards the guy angrily and kicked his ass as he fell right on his face. "How dare you write nonsense!!" Jennie screamed at him and kicked his ass again. "You belittle me?!" She screamed and pulled his hair. "Answer me!!" She screamed and pulled his hair to look at the poor guy's face but Jennie got the shock of her life. "Taehyung??" She whispered and pressed her mouth in shock as she realized she beat her bias to death, letting him fall down in the floor again. "I'm sorry..."She whispered and helped him stand up. Taehyung fixed his hair and said, "It's okay. I didn't felt a thing though." Jennie moved her face closer towards him which made him heart race. He slowly closed his eyes as she brought her face more closer towards him. "Your nose is bleeding." Jennie said touching it. Taehyung flashed open his eyes and rubbed the blood from his nose. "Oh this!! It must have bleed because of my intense workout in the gym awhile ago." Taehyung said and flexed his biceps. "But I'm really sorry for what just happened and I will do anything to get up to you." Jennie said. "Anything??" Taehyung asked and raised an eyebrow. Jennie nodded her head. "How about being my girlfriend??" Taehyung asked. "Oh Tae you are so cute and funny." Jennie said and laughed. "I wasn't though." Taehyung mumbled under his breath looking the other way. "Huh?? You said something??" Jennie asked. "Yeah I mean...how about going on a date with me??" Taehyung asked and winked at Jennie which made her blush. "Oh I will get back to my room for a shower." Taehyung said and headed back towards his room. "Room no. 207 by the way." Taehyung said turning towards Jennie.

"Ouch!!" Taehyung hissed in pain after closing the door behind him. He rolled in the floor and chanted repeatedly, "She's so cute and so strong that she almost broke my bone." He pulled his own cheeks and said with a grin on his face, "I think I have got a little crush on her." Taehyung rolled on the floor continuously and started to giggle by himself like an idiot. "Hello, Namjoon hyung. I think Taehyung is suffering from seizures." Jungkook called Namjoon and looked worriedly at Taehyung as he sat at a couh in the room. 

"What the hell, hyung!! I'm not suffering from seizers!!" Taehyung screamed as Hoseok forced him to smell his socks. "This is the only cure!!" Hoseok shouted and ran after him with a smelly sock of Jungkook in his hand. "What the hell is this nuisance going on over here?!" Yoongi asked getting up from bed. "Hyung, Please explain to them that I'm not suffering from seizure." Taehyung cried out as Hoseok was about to grab him. "Yeah, he is not suffering from seizure but from another dreadful disease." Yoongi said. "And what's that??" Everyone asked at once. "He has got a crush."Yoongi said and sniggered. "How did you know about it?!" Taehyung asked. "You were literally running around the whole room screaming about it while I was trying to sleep."Yoongi complained. "Yoongi hyung was in my room all the time??" Taehyung asked. "See he has even got blind in love." Yoongi pointed out. "Now, he has to even go for an eye surgery." Jungkook complained and slapped his forehead. "But, I'm going to get him rid of his seizure first."Hoseok shouted  and pushed Taehyung in the floor and sat on top of Taehyung with a sock in his hand and Jin pinning Taehyung in the floor. "Noooooo!!" Taehyung screamed as Hoseok was about to make him smell the sock when suddenly someone knocked on the door. Taehyung sighed in relief as Jungkook opened the door. Taehyung got the shock of his life as he saw Jennie standing by the door with a smile on her face which turned into a shocked expression really quick.


Author: Jungkook, why did you open the door?? *Slaps her forehead*

Jungkook: Idk, I was just bored.

Jin: You gave Taehyung 'sock' of his life and that too a stinky one.*Windshield laughter*

                                                 Kai: Jennie's ex boyfriend

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                                                 Kai: Jennie's ex boyfriend.

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