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Y/n P.O.V.

Jimin parked his car in front of a fancy beauty parlor. I looked at him confused. "Bang Sihyuk asked me to take you to the parlor even though you are already bea-" Jimin said and stopped mid sentence after realizing what he was about to say. "I mean Bang Sihyuk asked me to reconstruct your ugly face into something better." He said and looked away. "Yours is no better." I said and stomped out of the car.

We walked inside the beauty parlor. A lady in her mid forties who had done a lot of makeover on her face walked towards us and greeted us. "Hello, Mr. Park Jimin." She said with a huge smile on her face. "Hello Mrs. Lee." Jimin greeted. "Oh! You can just call me Sam ." She said and winked. She noticed me and asked, "Who is this beautiful young  lady??" "She is my girlfriend Choi Y/n." Jimin said and smiled. "Oh! So, she is the one." She said and eyed me. "Yes." Jimin said and I bowed down to greet her. She smiled and said ,"What a well mannered girl you have got." "Perfect for my son but already taken." She continued and coughed loudly. "I want you to-" Jimin said. "Oh yeah! Bang Sihyuk had called me and explained everything." She interrupted. "But looking at her...I don't think she needs a makeover. Bang Sihyuk was over exaggerating as if I had to makeover a wild bear."She said and laughed. She squinted her eyes and looked closely towards me and said, "But I think I can make you more beautiful." I smiled at her. She then dragged me inside the spa. And the next 2 hours were like spending time in the torture room.

Author's P.O.V.

"She is ready!!" Mrs. Lee screamed and walked out of the room towards Jimin proudly. Jimin thanked Mrs. Lee and looked toward Y/n as she walked out of the room and he couldn't deny the fact that she looked really beautiful .Not that he thought she was less beautiful before but now...it was like adding highlighters to her beauty. Jimin just couldn't remove his eyes from her and continued to stare at her with his jaw dropped. "How does she look?!" Mrs. Lee shouted in his ears to bring him back to reality. "You used to look like Panda but now..." Jimin said. "How about now??" Mrs. Lee asked. "But now you look like a polar bear." He said. Y/n  smiled, pulled his cheeks and asked, "Oh really my grizzly bear??"

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