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I woke up to the strong smell of coffee, i went to the bathroom and took care of my hygiene then made my way to the kitchen. Seeing Elijah in the kitchen with hs back turn to me. His muscle shining through his white shirt. I swear i would take him right here . What the hell is happening to me . 

"Are you going to stand there and gawk at me all day " he said still with his back turnt. 

I blushed instantly, he turned around and hug me . we shared a passionate kiss immediately. We parted and gasp for air.  " I love you ,you know that right " Elijah asked with a concern look in his eyes i have never seen before. I wonder what is going on with him. "Yes there is no doubt about it "i said while placing my hand on his jaw. 

He kissed my head , " Well i have placed the card that you refuse to use on the table along with some documents of professional photographers and reps you can use. 

I smiled "Thank you ,babe but i have found a photographer already" i said 

"About that , who is this photographer ?" He asked with a stern look on his face. 

"Well I  met this photographer the day you asked me to go shopping for clothes and he came up to me and suggested modelling. I didn't  initially agreed but i wanted to take those photos for you so i asked . So  i think i will use him for the upcoming ones . " 

"Okay babe but i too need to vet him. so set up a meeting for thursday morning here and i can see what he is about " Elijah said and i nodded . He went off to work while i stayed home and sort out my designs .I have a lot of ideas and i had purchased material with the money that elijah gave me on our first official meeting. Elijah did pay me the 100 grand and i flipped it by investing it in various projects . Elijah doesn't know but i have $1.8 million dollars just because he gave me that . Hence why i refuse to take money from him and i also have been selling nutra burst and freelance work on typing up documents . I refuse to keep taking anything from him, I believe in working for my own. 

I have designed 4 outfits and i want to model them on thursday since Elijah will be here to meet Steven . Steven has been a tremendous help in taking these photos and I have told him i am married and i don't want any drama. 

I called steven phone and he immediately answered " Hey Mrs.Mahfood , how may i help " 

' Hi, Steven , so i am scheduling a meeting with you this thursday and 10 am , please carry your equipment along with your resume and references. Please don't be late , i have some tremendous news to share. ",i said " 

"Okay great see you there" he said and i hung up. 

I went through the documents Eli left there were around 20 photographers along with makeup artist , personal assistant and managers . Elijah really thought through this , i love that he is attentive and that he wants me to be happy. But i cant get what happen this morning out of my head . I sat around the computer and a message came in , Elijah forgot to unsync his phone from the laptop again before i could unsync three messages came in again and a picture of a woman , I opened it . 


Trouble ????

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