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I still am not able to find where Dime is, I messed up badly. Really and truly i don't even no what I will do without her. I was at her shop when i saw Monica the secretary she hired coming towards the door i moved from my car and walked over to her. 

"Miss Monica can you tell me where Dime is ?" I asked with pleading eyes.  

"Well Mr.Mahfood , i am not privy to give out that information" she stated as she opened the store and walked in before she could close it i walked in . She looked at me and shook her head from side to side "Mr.Mahfood can i say something ?' she asked. 

"Yes you can " i said. 

"You know that you have a wife that loves you , i am not sure what it is that transpired but what i can say is this . She will need time to heal and that does not come overnight you have to give her time and if she is around you and throw what happens in front of you, you have to be able to take it. "Monica said. 

"But i made a mistake and yes i get that she needs time but i need her with me so we can get through this" I said 

Monica chuckled "You are just like your father" She said and now i was not only shocked but suspect. 

"How do you know my dad?" I asked 

"Well your dad and i were friends both he and my husband were best of friends hence our friendship i was there when he met , proposed and when you were born. I knew your parents i was there when your dad had his indiscretions and we had to comfort your mom because she was pregnant but that's a story for another time. Elijah i am not here to cause you harm coincidental your wife called me she doesn't know who i am. But i wished i was there for you when your parents passed but unfortunately not. Elijah Dime needs time to heal because you hurt her, i am sure she will come back to you it may take time but you owe her that.I spoke with her and gave her similar advice i see the love in her eyes for you and you her. But if you have a cut and its not treated it will fester and continue to be a nuisance to you. You need to go to therapy because i am sure there are things you haven't dealt with". Monica said. 

I swallowed and it felt like something was lodged in my throat, i may not remember Monica but looking at her now i did see pictures of her how did i not see it. I miss Dime and i do need to give her time but how much ?, How can i sleep without her? How can i give her the space she needs?. 

I stood there and just cried my heart out Monica walked over and gave me a hug and patted me on the back while i just cried. 

Monica POV 

I couldn't believe my eyes as Elijah cried , Love hurts but when you hurt someone and don't know what the outcome will be it's even harder. 

"Elijah you have to prepare yourself for two things one the best and the worst, but you have to give Dime time in the meantime you have work on your self" I said to him while he cried. 

He finally stop and just look at me his eyes her red and he wiped his face with the napkin i handed him. 

"Elijah just pray " before i could even continued he started to cry. A grown man being vulnerable may not be good to some but we all need to be vulnerable. 

He chuckled "You know that's one thing Dime teached me" He said and i smiled , Dime is indeed the best woman for him. 

"Elijah, i am sure there are answer you want about your parents when you are ready give me a call my husband and i have some thing we got from your parents before they passed that they said we should give to you once you are married and i think now is a good time. Give me a call, but i have to let you go i have some work to finish" I said and ushered him out the store . 

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