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I got up at 4am and went straight to brush my teeth and have a shower. I wanted top go to the store today and get the painter ready along with going to purchase addition fixtures and get the business cards and logos along with flyers printed. I was going full speed ahead to make my dreams come true and to be on top of my grind. I have never felt this excited in a long while the last time was with Eli and i went on a trip to bora bora. Immediately my mind started to think the worse what if he is cheating and that's why he constantly tells me he loves me am i enough for him. I know i told him i would leave him but really , would I ? I love Eli with all my heart and if he breaks it i don't think i can give another. I shake the feeling away as i step out of the shower and head to our walking closet i walked over to my section and put on my black  bra and panty cotton set. I put on a cute pink mesh tank top and black jeans and let my hair out in it's afro. Damn i feel fine, i put on some clear gloss and black tims i grabbed my bag and went in the black audi and dove to the store. 

I had my laptop on the floor while i sat going through my list of things to get while i wait on the painter , a message came in on my laptop  which was still sync to Eli's phone

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I had my laptop on the floor while i sat going through my list of things to get while i wait on the painter , a message came in on my laptop  which was still sync to Eli's phone. 

FROM W2 : I miss you babe and i will make it up for the $8000 i spent on the card. Have a GOOD DAY. 

I sat there puzzled as to why Eli would still be giving her money but more importantly his card. He really got me fucked up. I got up and started pacing back and forth that i didn't even realize the painter had arrived i let him in and showed him the color and design of how i wanted the shop. I left him and went to the hardware store to get some things. 

On my way back i decided to stop at Cafe Blu and order a cappuccino and a cinnamon swirl while i was waiting i saw none other than that bitch walked in followed by Eli. What the hell is going here . I contemplated if i should go over and make my presence known or just walk out. My phone began to ring and it was the painter i answered and he informed me he was finish . My food arrived and i decided to just leave without them knowing. On the drive to the store , i couldn't stop thinking that Elijah was really out here with the bitch. I parked in front the shop and texted him. 


FROM HUBBY:"Morning babe , yea i am drinking a smoothie now and i love you too. Entering a meeting i will text you later. " 

I looked at the screen and shook my head i walked in and the store looked amazing i paid the painter and he left. Then i took out the mop and broom out of the car and began to clean . Once i was finished i placed all the items i wanted in the store and then i went  and set up the computer and cash register at the station. I stood in the middle of the room and look at what i created. I wished i could call Elijah and  tell him immediately but i wanted him to see it tomorrow as he didn't know of my plans just to have the meeting at the house. Just staring at the design my mind wonder to what Elijah could be doing at this very moment. 


I called Cheryl and ask her to meet up with me at cafe blu as i wanted to clear the air and also to tell her i have closed the account. I don't want Dime to find out about this along with everything that transpired between Cheryl and I . We sat in the corner my back facing the door , i was wearing my black armani suite and white shirt with a yellow tie. 

"So you wanted to meet up , you missed me huh? ,but i must say i never thought i would see you with color on yellow , it suits you. " Cheryl said. I smiled because the y tie was a gift from Dime she thought i needed color in my life . 

" Mhm , well thanks to my wife. " I said. Speaking of which Dime texted me and i replied. I decided to get to the matter at hand. 

"Cheryl the card is no longer available i have closed that account and along with that i will give you the monthly support the judge agreed to $1500 a month and that's it. Please refrain from texting me , i am not interested nor will i ever be " I stated. 

She looked at me surprised. 'Elijah, you can't do that i need that money and along with that i love you so much." She said. 

"Cheryl i will not do it so get it through your head " i simply stated as i got up to leave. 

"Well i wonder what Dime will say when i tell her i am pregnant for you " Cheryl said i turned and looked at her shockingly this can't be true. 

"Cheryl that's a lie and just stop" I said as i took up my smoothie which the waiter had carried out . 

"Well we will see" She said and got up and left. 

Cheryl got to be joking that night was a huge mistake and Dime will never forgive me. ]


Elijah got to be kidding me , i am not pregnant but it's the only thing i could think of that could save me. I need this , how will i get to live the life i want. I was driving down New Kingston when i saw Dime standing in front of a black Audi talking to a man i took a picture and drove off. She can't get my man and get away with it first it was Sandra and now her. This will never happen. 

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