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So it's a week later i got some info from one of my foster brothers who is a gang member to trail and watch Cheryl. And i learned a lot  which i have yet to tell Elijah as i want to confront the butch today which Elijah knows as i used his phone to cancel the first meet up.  

My brother Axel found out that Cheryl has a child and her baby daddy is in the drug world, due to that it's the only thing that is going to make her live. But i will ensure she knows not to mess with my man. 

I got ready to meet her up at a airbnb in a secluded area, i arrived early and set up the place my brother was in the back . I went and changed into my black  and white  jumpsuit along with my black boots i am going to make this bitch suffer.

 I went and changed into my black  and white  jumpsuit along with my black boots i am going to make this bitch suffer

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I put all the knives on the table and a clamp along with rings.This girl bout to get toas. Kevin told me Cheryl was driving in . 


I was dressed ready for my man i ensured to get a mani and pedi along with a bikini wax. Finally he would be mine again. I wasn't happy when he cancelled before but he explained that he had business to take care of the business i guess blew up. I drove up to a nice white and black colored house this was nice and secluded had a nice fountain in the garden along with seats to the opposite side and palm trees all around i love it. His Black Audi was parked in the drive way, i just can't wait to get my man. I have yet to know how i will handle telling him about the pregnancy i faked. You see , me and the bartender used to fuck as such i just asked him to drug Elijah and help me carry him to my place where i stripped him out of his clothes and we placed him on the bed so when he woke up the following morning he thought we had slept together and instead of the fucker being happy he was whining and furious about how he was going to tell Dime and that he hurt her by messing with a witch like me. I couldn't believe my ears, but i was hoping everything will now change and i will tell him i had a miscarriage and as such he will be sympathetic and want to comfort me. 

I weared my black mesh jumpsuit spaghetti strap showing off my curves and my new found ass. I had an operation on my ass , so now i got a little fat ass.  


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Elijah POV 

I was at work unable to get any work done Dime was going to meet the witch and i just can't keep calm she hasn't told me where she is just that it is happening today and she will be find. I love Dime and i am just fucking upset with myself for letting her do this.  


I had placed a note on the door "Come inside and make yourself comfortable babe" . And just like that she came in and called out Elijah's name and the door closed behind her revealing my foster brothers face which caused her to look back and screamed and he chuckled and said "It's not be you should be afraid of", and pointed at her with a gun. 

"Elijah what is happening , i don't understand " She called out and i couldn't hold it any longer i laughed out and made my appearance

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"Elijah what is happening , i don't understand " She called out and i couldn't hold it any longer i laughed out and made my appearance. She  looked at me and rolled her eyes , "Bitch what do you want ?" She asked. Didn't this bitch see there is a gun pointed at her , "Well i am only one persons Bitch and two i am about to show you not to mess with what is not yours nut first let's play a game" I said and she was immediately handcuff her bag fell to the floor and she tried to fight off Kevin's had but it didn't work he then pointed the gun in her back and told her to take a seat in front of me. 

" Well ,well K you can leave now i can handle it from here " Kevin went outside , knowing him he won't actually leave. "Miss Cheryl Peters you have become a pest and germ in my life more ways that one. " and she chuckled "Yes because your man actually wants me instead of you " She said. 

"Well you are a witch to him hence why he saved your name as witch two but enough talking , i know you drugged Eli" , she looked surprise "and i also know that you paid the bartender but the only thing that will make you walk out of here today is your child ' i said and immediately took the knife at the side of the table and stabbed her leg and the bitch screamed out. After which i took the hot wax and placed over the stab which made her squirm in her seat and screamed out begging for me to stop. 

"Cheryl i don't like when bitches can't understand not to touch what is not there's trust me there is a lot i want to do to you but i want your kid to be able to look at you. I then clamped her fingers and a ear piercing screams could be heard i then took out the knife out of her leg . 

I then took off her handcuffs and the clamp, Cheryl tried to get up but she fell. "Cheryl i don't have the strength to fight you the best thing you can do is take this deal, Leave my husband enjoy your child and live in a house that is already paid for. Just don't mess with me or else i will be coming back for you in the worst way. I then stooped down and ring her wrist and she cried out " Please ,pleeeease i will stop i  will !!!!!" with that i let go and said "Oh and if you think going to the cops will help i have on video you and the bartender drugging Elijah not to mention you are in a ponzi scheme , "She looked up immediately"Yes Bitch i know" . i said and walked out with Kevin waiting in the car , he drove home. 


I am at work and typing up these chapters lol 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter 

What do you think Cheryl will do ? 

Do you think Dime should have done more ? 

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