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I woke up to chattering but more importantly i heard Dime voice , i got up and realize i was not at home. I was in a hotel , i looked around for some recollection as to how i got here. I remember last night falling asleep and dreaming that Dime had served me divorce papers. I thought about that again and my head began to hurt , thank god it was a dream. Dime walked in the room knocking the life out of me how did i manage to screw this up. 

"Hey , how are you feeling she said as she walked to me and touch my forehead , "Okay the fever has gone down" It may be gone down but i am hot for you i thought to myself. 

"How did i get here ?" I asked. 

"That i have no clue as to how and what happen last night , do you remember ? "She asked. 

I thought back and i remember the dream then i remember walking out of the house in the rain heading to her store and searching the documents and that's how i found out she was in Dominica , i then called my pilot and ask him to have the jet ready and on the way in the plane i kept thinking about how i messed up and what if Dime really served me with divorce papers. And how i really do dislike Cheryl and that i don't actually remember sleeping with her. Also i remembered what Monica said and then i thought about my parents which led me to have a full on depressing reflection mode which caused me to cry. I never thought i would be that vulnerable. 

I told Dime about it all including the fact that i don't recall sleeping with Cheryl. 

"Dime i have put you through a ringer and i will give you the all the honesty i should have from the outset. And i understand if it is that you want space just don't leave me " I asked. 

"Elijah , i believe you need to go to therapy and i too separately and together. I love you and i want you to work on your demons because they seem to be alot. And i want us to work on our manage. And yes i will be taking time to myself i think we rushed in a relationship and got married without its understanding. As well as i will be living apart from you until i feel comfortable to come home. While we work on ourselves and our marriage, I believe we should have date nights as a way to get to know each other more. " She said. 

I am happy she said therapy and i am happy she isn't leaving me , i am not so sure how i will take her living separately but if that's what she wants i will give it to her. Dime is the one for me and of this i am sure. "Can i kiss you ?" i asked a little hesitant as i don't think i could take that rejection. 

She looked at me and instantly blushed, "I so want to " She said. We kissed our tongues fighting for dominance , she pushed me on the bed and climb on top of me , we kissed while she straddle me my cock obviously wanted to burst in my boxers as that was the only clothing between us as she was wearing her robe and i could feel that she had nothing underneath. She opened her robe which showcased her amazing body and it was divine i got hot all over. We stopped kissing as i took her nipple in my mouth and sucked on it which caused her to moan and grind on me . Her fingers pried my boxers down which caused me to lift her up and her legs immediately wrapped around me and i was now sucking her left breast . She took her right leg and rub my boxers which helped the process of the boxers coming off as i was just happy to be tasting her. I took my right hand and placed my cock at her center and she went down on it i lay back on the bed while she ride me and i continued to suck both of her nipples. 

"Eli don't stop" she said in between breaths as she rode my cock i grabbed her as with both hands and she looked down on me her face filled with ecstasy her pupils dilated , she kissed me and rode me . My cock was about to burst she continued to ride and ride she did i came and she continued until she got her fill of me . She collapsed on me and a smiled was etched on my face as i rubbed her hair. I heard her say " I love you " Before I was succumbed to sleep. 


I missed my husband , i got up off him as he fell asleep, which is something that happens each time and caused me to smile. Good Pussy makes him sleep , i want us to work i am willing to fight for my marriage but i think it would be best for us to live separately for a while, we have been living together and always focus on the other than each of us ands then us. 

I went and had a bath this time i lay there relaxing in the bath , thinking about how i love my husband and how i want to get to the bottom of getting rid of Cheryl. There was a phone ringing and i saw that it was coming from the hamper which i had placed Elijah's clothes , i dried off and went over and took it out of his pocket. And of course it was this bitch. 

W2:"I miss you"

Elijah : Miss you too just trying to get rid of Dime. 

I decided to play this game with this bitch. 

W2: Finally get rid of the bitch, so we can have our baby live together . I want to ride your dick baby."

This bitch is about to see who i really am , he just got his dick ridden by the best. 

Elijah: Can we meet up Tuesday at Marriott Hotel . 

W2:Oh yes but why not now. 

Elijah : Baby time, plus i am out of the island had business to tend to. 

I decided to end it there i went in the bed and lay beside Elijah for a while just looking at him. 

"I have to fight for us" I said with conviction. 

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