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It has now been two months without Dime and i have been trying to keep the faith that she will be back but everyday is a struggle watching her become a success always on the tv and in the newspaper and online it was like karma all over again. I was getting ready to leave when i received a call from the hospital saying that Cheryl was admitted and i was her emergency contact i immediately rush out, i can't take this stress though. I went to the hospital and the doctor approach me. 

"Good day Mr.Mahfood your wife .." before he could continue i said"EX WIFE!" firmly the doctor nodded and proceeded to say "Due to the severity of the accident she had a miscarriage " When he said that i felt like my whole world was slowly shattering. I nodded shook his hand and went in the room, Cheryl was still asleep with some bandages on her hands and legs. I sat in the chair staring at the woman who i didn't want to be beside. I wonder what  Dime is doing , shortly after i heard a knock and the door open showcasing the beauty my mind was on she looked at Cheryl and then me. 

"Mr.Mahfood may i speak with you " She said so formal i am her husband for christ sakes. 

"Dime really " I said.  

"Oh yes really sir, i may not have loved you from the start i did technically use you for an opportunity which i will be forever grateful for as i was able to live comfortable. Elijah i think you should be with cheryl and we need to move on please sign this and let us be on our way. I hope this is what you want" She said i wanted to say something but my mouth just wouldn't open. I looked at the document and it states she wants no spousal support, no to any assets, i decided to just sign the document to let her be free of me and my actions she seem o be doing well. I handed her the document and in return she handed me an envelope and left. 

I slumped back in the chair and stair at the envelope , i opened it and there was a letter folded i open it and a paper fall to the ground i took it up and it was a cheque for 4 million dollars where did she get this and why give me money she may need she signed the divorce papers and asked for nothing. I decided to read the letter 

Dear Eli, 

I remember the day we met i was shocked that a man of your background and satire would choose me, i loved how you looked at me like i was the only girl in the room.I loved how you laugh when i behave silly, I love that you always think of me and put me first. Along the way it was a good time but i am not sure when the road became blurry , you don't look at me the same and you didn't communicate the same. Remember when you stood up and ensured i did with Sandra you even told me beforehand what was going on when did you decide to hide information from me. 

Elijah i can't do this anymore i can't be with a man who takes me for granted who is willing to hide text messages and email.Fun fact i knew about you and Cheryl before you even told me a second time. I saw the messages and then when you were drunk you divulge that info and forget the next day. You know the sad part is?. I f you had just told me from the outset i would have stayed with you i waited patiently thinking you would tell me. 

I wish you the best in life Elijah with her and your child. Please remember never to take anything for granted. I want you to know i tried to forgive but i couldn't. 


Love Always 


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