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It's been three weeks of healing and trying to come up with the best plan to take down Dime and get Elijah back.I have gotten the scars healed and i am ready to strike.

"Mommy!!!!" I heard my son running in screaming with his dad at the door on a call. I haven't had him around me as his dad has filed for custody. But i don't really care at this point i just need Elijah and him alone we can start our own family. I gave my son a snack and told his dad he can take him full time . 

I got ready to go to the mall to do my hair while listening to the tv as the real talk show was on. I then heard Dime name and i was angry why was she using Elijah's money to get ahead that white dress doesn't even look good. I immediately turn off the tv. "I am coming for you bitch!! i screamed. 

Elijah POV 

I have been going to therapy and both Dime and i have been to marriage counselling. The therapist said Dime and i need to work on each other in order to fix our relationship. So that's what we have been doing. I met up with Luke the other day and he told me Cheryl was behind it and how she was also him baby mom. And i am hella surprise that this bitch has a child and more importantly we are trying to figure out if she met him as a coincidence or was this a plan.But from the look of things it is a plan a plan which is about to be kidnapped and tortured especially for what i had to endure she drugged me and made me and Dime go through alot. 

I was at my office when Dime walked in looking scrumptious as usual , every time i see her i wonder how i ended up so lucky. 

Dime POV 

I just came from the doctor who stated that i was two weeks pregnant. I was terrified , will i be able to love my child ? i was never showed love as a child. And the only experience i have is loving myself and Elijah's love. Not to mention the grace of god as i am alive and well. I really needed to go to church this sunday , i hope i can convince Elijah to come with me. 

I have been moody all day, my designs weren't coming together how i wanted and i have some deadlines with some photo shoot. I have been peeing alot not to mention my breast are tender as fuck. I decided to leave Monique at the store and head over to Elijah, i really needed a hug and kiss from him right now. 


Everything's coming together i need you guys to go according to the plan and there was money sent in your accounts i said to my team. I needed Dime gone for good not to mention i needed everyone to be on the lookout for Cheryl who i am about to get rid of this bitch is annoying me with these phone calls and text. 

My dad suffered a stroke two years ago and i needed this plan to work a it was the only hope i had in making my dad dreams come through. I went to my dad room and he was just laying on the bed looking through the window at the right. I wish this did not happen to him but someone will pay for this and it will be Dime. 



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