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I was awaken by repeated knocks on my boor , well more bangs than knocks. Who the hell could that be i put my robe on and went to the door and it was Elijah. What is he doing here i wondered to myself , " Dime i am sorry please , please don't leave me . I Beg of you please Dime don't. ' he said. 

I stood there looking at a disheveled and his eyes were bloodshot red along with his hands shaking. "Elijah come inside "i said . He walked over to the sofa and i stood in front him and felt his head he was burning up and jump . What should i do , i ran to the bathroom and took a towel and wet it and call room service and asked them to carry up some soup along with panadol. 

I ran the damp cloth on his head and Elijah eyes were close and he was mumbling "Sorry Dime". I took off his shirt and pants and helped him get up but that was hard this big heavy man how am i suppose to manage. I tried to talk to him and get him to walk to the bed . I told him to lay down but instead he hugged me and said"Promise me you will throw away the divorce papers". 

What the fuck is he talking about i wondered "No Elijah i am not leaving you, i couldn't even if i tried"i said 

He finally lay down just in time as room service was at my door, i went and carry the soup a bottle water and the panadol in the room and put it on the night stand. I then went in the shower and started soaping up my body. While the water cascaded on my body i thought of how much i do miss Elijah and how i wanted him every way possible but more importantly where did he get the notion i was leaving him. "


My son had gone over to his father for the weekend and i was beside my self with time. I needed a plan to get rid of Dime but there was non i could think of. But then again i could always kill her but i can't do it myself i would have to hire someone. 

I have no money as Elijah has now left me stranded for cash and the only thing i have is this apartment which he bought. Our divorce wasn't a messy one , Elijah and i loved each other as kids so when he got older on one drunken night i decided it was best since he was drunk to get him to marry me and it was pretty easy the day after was a disaster. 

Elijah was furious because he didn't want to be married so young but afterwards he decided to give it a try. We were married for two years because in the last year of marriage Elijah wanted a child and i refuse because at the time i was talking to my baby daddy on the side i wasn't yet pregnant for him but i wanted to have both men. 

Elijah and Zack were men who drove my skin and body wild. Zack being the bad boy but reserve and Elijah being the wealthy and reserved. But what the two don't know is i knew about there drug business and i know they knew each other prior. I also know that since of late there shipments have been toast. All thanks to me , you see i saw them one night talking to each other which was strange because everyone knows Zack works for shadow to  who i have yet to unveil but base on a source Elijah may be shadow or shadows investor that i have yet to figure out. I am set to receive 300,000 for my helping of taking down of the products and the burning down of the warehouse which i did in fact burn . I sat there and laugh to myself. 

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