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"It's time everyone i only have two loose ends to take down " I said with a satisfied smile. I called Nathan he was on the run from Lorenzo and his friends as he had taken money from them and helped kidnapped his wife Oshina.So i needed his expertise on this and seeing that all our lives are connected and me and Nathan being cousins it was fun to get back at Eli and his cousins. 


I am at work trying to sort out a few things when the most beautiful queen entered glowing.Dime came in and close the door. She opened her buttoned dress and showcased all her glory. 

"Are you going to just sit there and gawk " she said with a smirk. 

I was lost for words there was a lump in my throat, I love Dime and each time I see her I hope at know point in time I will make her sad or disappoint her. I came out of my seat and take off my jacket while Dime walked towards me with determination she unzip my pants and knelt down in front me taking off my boxer .Dime hold my cock as i was taking off my shirt my breath hitch.  Dime is going to be the death of me, i lift her up and place her on the sofa in my office . I kissed her neck then her lips,our tongues fighting for dominance i then plunge in her sweetness. I should be a diabetic after this, i stode in and out of her slowly i want to drive her wild as she has me. She clawed my back and whispered more. Stroking her more slowly she grabbed my back and said in my ear "If you don't go fast Eli i will call you" I smirked and chuckle and gave her what she wanted. We came together and i came off her while she got up and lay her head on my shoulder. 'Dime while i am not complaining what was the real reason you are here" I asked her. She looked at me "Eli , i just wanted to have you near me and i missed you. I just had a bad day" she said and i looked in her eyes searching for a doubt but none was there. 

My phone began to ring and i notice it was Luke calling. I answered immediately "Yea. whats up" i asked. 

"Where is Dime?" he asked in a loud tone than normal. "She is with me what's up Luke , i put on my boxers and pants with the phone at my ear. While Dime looked at me putting on her dress. 

"They are coming after her Elijah get out of town now!!!" he shouted. 

" Who is coming after her Luke" i asked but the call went dead i try calling back but no answer. 

"Eli what's happening ?' Dime asked. I am not even sure what is going on. 

"Dime i have to get you to a safe house while i figure what is happening, i need you to take these car keys and go to this address and stay there leave your phone here. babe i .." i said 

"Elijah i can't go anywhere without you! " she said.

"Dime you have to i need to figure out what is happening here, " i said.

"NO! Elijah i am pregnant !!! " She shouted and i collapsed in my seat. 

" Dime is pregnant now i have to think carefully and quickly"

I immediately called all my cousins Oshina and Peter who intern call all their friends,  

**************************** *********************************************************

Hey everyone bit of writer's block hence the late update. But i decided to just right what comes. 

If you are a reader of all my books you have realised they are all connected. 

Let the fun and darkness start.  Four More chapters and the book will come to a end. 

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