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"Cheryl is just  a bitch i can't stand, i didn't even know she knew Sandra its when i saw her burning the shipment. I did some research and found out she is cousin with her and with you "  I said to Elijah. I have never seen him in this shape there were bang under his eyes and he was drinking more. I  had to call George our snipper and bodyguard to look after her when he told she is pregnant. I can just imagine how hard this is for him. 

I got some guys to look into everyone that came in there life as something just wasn't sitting with me especially a while a go when Dime called him frantic . He has been pacing and reloading guns from her call i had to stop him from heading there. I then told him that George was there and will get her out and he calmed a little. He was now sitting at the table cleaning the guns and staring at the phone every 3 seconds. 

I was looking over some files and realise that Monica and her husband who had many names but his real name was Ray  were friends with his parents and godparents but what was shocking was a $500,000 deposit in there account 5 months ago from Sandra. But where did she get this money from. She was broke Luke took everything but the house. That's when it dawn on me that she was the head of the ponzi scheme with Cheryl who was just the pawn.I continued to dig in and realised there was a connection her Brother Carter was Elijah's dad sniper who was killed on a mission. 

The phone rang and Elijah answered " DIME !!" He shouted. 


We  were on the road heading to wherever but i just wanted to hear Elijah's voice. Would this be my life running from persons , this seems so much bigger than Cheryl i don't think she has this mindset. I rubbed my belly and smiled "You will not be hurt " I said to myself. I looked outside and thought about everything that is happening now and where i was before how much my life has changed and i think the hardships i faced back then was just helping me for what is to come. 

"Here, call Elijah , he will want to hear from you. Its the only number on there." George said and i instantly smile. I dialed it same time and instantly heard my name. 

"Yea babe i am okay i miss you and i can't wait to see you " I heard a cry which surprised me again this is the second time i ever heard him breakdown. "Babe i am with you okay i am here alive and the baby is okay we are here and we love you" I said hoping he would here the conviction and love from my voice. 

"Yea i know i just want to keep my promise and keep you all safe. "He said  , his voice was breaking me  i wanted to be my his side. 

We talked and then George told me to take the chip out and throw it away which we did and then threw away the phone itself. 

We stopped and bought burgers and fries with some shakes my appetite is back and kicking , we also bought some extra bags just in case i started vomiting. 


"What do you mean they are gone !!, find them now! we have 8 million banking on them now. and i ended the call. I was so happy to get the call to take out Dime and Elijah because that 8 million will be mind and i would become the QUEEN to the KING AJ  in not only Florida but Jamaica. Elijah and his dad caused a lot of problems with the other Drug lords as they did not like the human trafficking and it was part  of the job they mostly stayed in drugs and the exports has a lot of areas they could tap in . And i so wanted to be with AJ he was black and sexy and deep voice and those cat eyes . I have never like chocolate but he could rock my boat. 

There was a call and i answered. 
"Yea Mr. AJ we will find and kill your daughter and her god forsaken husband."I said. 


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