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I was waken by kisses being placed on my neck i opened my eyes to stair right into the man of my dreams. "Hey you "I said. 

"Hey Beautiful" Elijah said and of course that cause me to blush insanely. 

We just lay staring at each other, i wonder if i should tell him my plan seeing especially that i didn't delete the message and i want us to be open and honest. 

"Something is on your mind, what is it ?" He asked, i hate at times that he knows me well,but then again not well enough because he would tell me what happened.I can't get over it but i am willing to try because i need him. 

"Okay , so i will be meeting Cheryl and before you say anything i will get this bitch!" I said while i sat up in the bed and he sat up as well taking a hold of my hands.'Babe you shouldn't be in this position and this fucking thing is all my fault. Give me two day's and let me handle it " He said. 

I love Eli but i think it would be best if i did it. "Elijah she won't stop until she has you and best believe it aint happening. Do you remember the night you had sex with her?" I asked. 

He let go of my had an scratch the back of his head, "I don't and its puzzling me, I remember her calling that something happened to her and i went over the house . Because i owned it and i honestly can't think of why i just never had someone else check" he said with his head down. I lift up his head and climb on top of his lap,Eli you can't stop the bitch take down i already text her and she will get what's coming to her in the meantime just let me handle it and where were you coming from when it happened?" I asked. 

Well i was at the bar , i had stop to drop off some things."He said. 

"Elijah i need some answers to some things ;1. Why w2 for the bitch , 2. what were you doing at the bar and three where did you go the night we went out and you had to leave early? I asked. 


I love Dime nothing passes her i was waiting on her to ask me the last question that has been my second life that i have been hiding from her. 

"W2 stands for witch 2 and yes i have a 1 which is Sandra" I said. She looked at me and rolled her eyes ,"Is Sandra texting you still ?" She asked. 

"Yes she is , it's about her dad and the business i took from them when they messed with you ."I said and she nodded. "The bar I currently own and the night i had to leave it was about a business i didn't tell you about . Dime this is a serious business one that i don't want you to get involve one which was passed down to me " I said "Okay but what is it?" 

"Well i own a drug and gun trade , no one know i am involve just one guy which has been working with me since my dad died. His dad worked with my dad as such it has continued." I stated. 

I love that i am able to talk freely to Dime , it feels like a weight have come off my chest. "What do you have planned for today? " I asked her , i had work and needed to get back to but at the same time i wanted to stay in bed with Dime. 

'Well i will be getting a new wig and taking some pictures at the river along with some others" she said. I have gotten used to the wigs she wear and i have seen the process the first time she said it will keep me guessing i had to laugh. 


I wanted to right more but an idea came to my head for another book so i have been jotting it down before i loose it. I will definitely update later. Thanks guy's i love when you are all engage you have gotten the book 1 of Elijah & Dime story "His Stripper to over 100k and i MUST say a BIG THANK YOU . 

Happy Sunday 

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