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That girl should have died when i found out that the bitch didn't kill her i was furious you see   her mom cheated on me and at the time my wife had left me  . Anyways she was with Mahfoods kid , and i killed his parents so I was gong to do it again as i needed his area . I asked Monica and her husband to head out there and that's when i found the perfect patsy Sandra she hated Elijah so it was easy to feed the mind. Monica and Ray wanted the money and it was double for them as they got $100k from Sandra and an addition 65k from me when the job is done  without her knowing of course that bitch is just stupid as they come. 

I was in my office when my son came in and informed me that the little bitch of mine got away i called Sandra she said she had things under control which i knew she didn't. 


I was delving into full research as i still don't think Sandra is smart enough for this it has to be Monica and her husband but why hurt Elijah and Dime something just wasn't adding up i went in the basement to see if i could get some answers out of my baby mother who i had chained to the chair. Sh opened her eyes when she saw me walking in i looked at her leg and i had to laugh as DIME did fuck it up bad. 

She looked uncomfortable but right now i did not care. 

"I need answers , i know that you and your sister is involved in the madness taking place but what do you have to gain what does she have to gain " I asked. 

To which she laughed and shook her head. "It's just the beginning , we will take over everything and kill you all especially that black ugly baby coming" She said i didn't know lijah was inside until i heard the gunshot to which earth shattering screams could  be heard from Cheryl and i just shook my head and walked up to him. 

"So Sandra is involve, who else? he asked. I was hesitant to say the rest but hopefully we can decipher something from what Cheryl said . I told him everything and Elijah went back upstairs and looked through some papers, rubbing his temples excessively. 


I was in the house listening to Sandra rant about how she can't wait to fuck AJ and she will be the queen to his side. This bitch was a annoying me. I then received a text from the Devil AJ "KILL HER" that i was happy to do first  will collect my payment. Aj had killed Eli and we all knew who were apart  of the underground but nothing could be done as he is second in command and with Eli dead they had to wait on Elijah to step up because he was still the heir and controlled majority shares. Eli was try to get all the Kingpins to stop the human trafficking but no one agreed as such Eli was going to dismantle the corporation that had many legit funds that belong to these leaders so AJ and the other member voted for his death but didn't realize that it wouldn't stop it as Eli had set it up that if he died very would go to his son and no payments would go out to anyone . And if they contest it they would only get what they put in and not the profits my husband and i gave in $1.3 million and that was almost 80 years just do the math how much money we would garner. 

Eli was the smart and collective he loved making money but always wanted everyone to think outside the box. My husband was willing to help kill him because his first love was Elijah's mom and as such when he told her about the plan she told him no  matter what she would die with her husband and that apparently brake him. I knew that from the gt go of our marriage i was playing just number two to him as his heart did not belong to me but to another. 

Sandra came in and was talking on her phone. "Moni fetch me a cup of water " she said who did she think she was talking to . I instantly went in the kitchen poured a cup of water and splashed it on her . 

"I will call you back ! , What the hell is wrong with you Nigga " she said. I just took the gun from my waist and shot her in the head. 


I called Ron " Ron did you find them" I asked.

"NO , its like they were ticked off that we were coming and there was a side entrance i did not see on the blue prints and one car is outside , i am looking over the cameras but only three neighbours are home and a garbage truck was parked near along with a moving van but they aren't here now. So i am tracking their movement will call you back" He said and hung up.xted 

I looked for my work phone and texted Dime, I had to warn her she nor Elijah deserved this.His mother would kill me if she knew what was happening. 



We reached at a zink building there were board over the window like frames. The door open showing Elijah. I smiled and hugged him immediately. The guys took out guns and some boxes out of the building and put in a Toyota Tundra. 

'How are you feeling ?'he asked as he rubbed my belly.

"I am okay, we are okay, we just missed you' I said .  

I looked at him and you could see the toll this had taken on him he had bags under his eyes and he didn't seem to be sleeping nor eating and it was killing me. 

"Babe when last did you eat?" I asked and he rubbed his temples,something he does when he is tired. 

"I should be asking you that, and no i haven't i will get something when we are on the road. "

"Everything is ready Boss, Luke said . And we all went in the van while George set the truck and building on fire he was going to ride a bike and follow us so Luke began to drive away. 

"Where are we going ? " I asked. " A next hiding spot babe we will stop and change vehicle again though "He said calmly as he held my hands. My Phone beep and i took it out and saw a text from Monica i gasp when i saw the text and Elijah took the phone as i was in a daze. Why would someone do this thou. Yes she apologize but i let her in my life. 


Nothing shocks me anymore so i was not as surprised as Dime i read the text and threw the phone away we went stop at Burger King and I told Dime to use the bathroom and i ordered food for everyone. I was just curious as to what is the deposit box i told George to meet at the bank while Luke went around the back parking lot and hot wire a Camry. When we came out Dime and i went in the black camry and drove back in the same direction. 

We went to the bank Dime stayed with Luke while George had asked the manager to meet me in the back. I got the deposit box and Dime rubbed my hands which calmed me as right now i was losing it why would AJ come after me  know we don't share the same views but I always stayed out of their way. 

We made a stop again changed vehicle and clothing  and headed to the air strip. I had no idea where exactly i was going to go but i had to get Dime and our Child safe. We were heading in the plain when gun fire started to blaze I heard Dime Scream and as i looked for her i saw her on the ground . 

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