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I woke up to a hard and cold surface as i squinted my eyes due to the blurriness and a headache that felt like someone was hammering my head. I tried to remember what happen last night but all that came to mind was dropping of Dime and meeting Luke. We lost all our shipments which means we were screwed.On the drive home i stop at my regular bar and no surprise Cheryl was there i drank to my hearts content but of course she had showed me a pick of Dime with a man however i couldn't see his face just hers and she was smiling. I couldn't get out of my head that Dime may be cheating and i can't go to her about this because if she is in fact so was i . I have no recollection of last night i stood up and walked to the bedroom which dime wasn't in but i heard the bathroom shower on so i stripped out of my clothes and head in there hoping to get some pussy. 

I went inside and saw that luscious body of hers in the shower with water cascading i stepped in and she looked at me and tried to walk pass but i held her arm which she tried to yank. She look as if she had been crying, what happened. I let go of her and asked "What happen ?" she looked at me and walked out of the shower. I hastily showered , brushed my teeth and came out to see her hair cornrow and she wrapped in a towel she had her wig on the bed along with a pants and shirt. She got up and put on her wig and went in the bathroom. I went to the closet and took out my black armani suit and a white shirt and black tie . Once i was done i went downstairs to put on some coffee. 

Dime came down stairs looking sexy as usual i really wanted to have this talk but i think it's best after seeing that today is her day. I placed a cup of coffee in front of her she was busy on her phone. "Thanks, but we need to get going "She said and i just nodded we took the white range and she gave me the address  and we drove in silence , when i pulled up it was a store front. " Hey what's going on " I asked. 

She looked at me and said " It's mine i have been working on it from this week and i thought it was fitting to just open a store and get the ball and my independence rolling

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She looked at me and said " It's mine i have been working on it from this week and i thought it was fitting to just open a store and get the ball and my independence rolling. ' She said. I was impressed she opened the door and inside was exquisite but how did she pay for it?. 

We walked in through a side door and there was food on a table to the side along with refreshments and condiments. There was also a table and chairs which had documents at each seat. 

'Dime , how did you do all this and where did you get the money from " I asked. She looked at me and shook her head , what did i do.  

"Well for starters , if i put my mind to something i get it done and two i have an investor. " she simply stated. An investor who the fuck did she go and ask for money. Before i could ask the buzzer at the front door rang she walked out and i went to sit at the head of the table. 


Steve came in with a smile on his face ,"Morning , i definitely need to take a picture of you in that outfit " He said and i smiled. "So today there will be two meeting one to put you on call for all our photos along with the team. "i stated. 

" Awesome and i love the store have you figured out a name yet ?" He asked. 

"Yes i have but i will reveal in due time , come this way my husband is here and i need to get the ball rolling "I said i ushered him in the meeting room and introduce him to Elijah. I left them to talk as Monica my personal assistant had made her arrival long with Mr.Enriques my financial Advisor . 

My personal assistant Monica was a dark skin woman  and i wanted that element  on my team,along with that her resume spoke highly so i hope she will be nothing but the best . I love that she dressed sharp and is a thick girl as that was one of the elements that my business will cater to. 

"Good day, Mrs.Mahfood " She said and smiled . 

"Good Morning Mrs.Hinds, thank you for coming, Good morning to you as well Mr. Enriques ,if you may both follow me. " I said  I walked them to the meeting area we spoke to all for 2 hours as we went through contracts and pay along with what is expected of each . Monica starts tomorrow i have some photo shoots to do along with that she will be trying to get me to do some press. The meeting was done and i was tired, i needed to go to the fabric store and get some sequins fabric and accessories i have a design in my head that just won't come out.

Everyone left Eli and i were now alone i was making some jotting and when i looked up he was looking at me. 

"What is it ? " I asked. 

" Dime i love to see you happy and i am very proud of you , however i have some sad news that i think is best that i tell you before you not only hear from someone else" He said. I braced for the truth and my heart began to race. 

" I cheated on you , and yes it was with Cheryl it was an honest mistake one that i accept full accountability for and she may be pregnant" He said. 

I nodded and just looked at him with disappointment , "Mhm is there anything else i need to know " I asked. 

"Yes there is i have also been giving her money , well additional money to what the judge had assign at our divorce settlement" He said with his eyes looking sorrowful , honestly though i could care less i just wanted to know before i had to see for myself. I am happy he told me but it was late. 

"Let me get something straight , you pursued me , you stop Sandra from accosting me you stood by my side and when it came to your ex wife you decide to hell with Dime i can slip up for once and she will accept it. Elijah from the starting of our relationship you made your feelings and intentions known and many times you were blunt.That's the type of person i know you to be so when you tell me this fuckry i have to wonder why now ?!"


This chapter is dedicated to these two readers who i continuously look forward to there remarks. 


and samanthabelle749

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