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Dime POV 

My store looks so sophisticated, i just love that i was able to accomplish this even though i have my own marital problems. This venture came at the right time i just love this sense of independence. I placed some pieces on the store racks that i have made at least 20 pieces are in the store and i wan to sew some more i made some purchase of jewelry and shoes which i collected earlier and place them. I must say this white and gold design is magnificent. I can't wait for Eli to see this , he still hasn't find out and i just can't wait to see his reaction. 

I decided to leave early and head home to cook something for us to eat, i think it's time  for us to have a conversation

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I decided to leave early and head home to cook something for us to eat, i think it's time  for us to have a conversation. I locked up and drove straight home. When i reached home i saw Elijah white audi in the driveway. I went inside and Elijah was in the sofa with his laptop in his lap. 

"Hey babe" i said as i took off my shoes, Elijah looked up and smiled "Hey bae , how was your day, i feel like i haven't seen you in days "he said as he got up and walked towards me. 

"Well i have a surprise for you tomorrow " i said unable to hide my excitement , he looked at me raising his eyebrow. 

"Oh yes tomorrow is the meeting and what time will they be here ?"He asked. 

"Well it's not here i have set everything up for 10 am in the new kingston area." I said He nodded. 

"Okay great , so did you pick anyone from my list ?" He asked. 

Well i did see a few people , i saw Miss Cameron she has a nice resume  for personal assistant and Mr.Shield for financial analyst but i was wondering about getting an additional photographer.  and some other persons later down" I said he stood there and hugged me while i talked. 

"Well sounds good to me , so what do you want for dinner ?" He asked. 

"I was thinking of cooking but on second thought why don't we go out for dinner " I suggested. 

"Works well for me , i have already showered , you can go ahead" He said. 

I walked to our bedroom and take off all my clothes and hop in the shower.  I rubbed my coconut body wash on my skin and then let the water cascade on my body. This feels so relaxing, once i was finished i wrapped myself with my towel brush my teeth and Puff my hair a little and a plat at the front, i did my makeup added some lashes and some lip liner.  I went on the bed and applied my coconut lotion to my skin i just love how smooth it makes my skin feels and the smell i love coconut bad. I then added some gold bronze earrings and i place my gold dress which i made and  know will grab Elijah's attention. Once those were on i added a red strap heels by Michael Kors, and walked downstairs .Elijah looked at me which instantly made me blush he was smiling and rubbing his hands on his jaw. 

I did that , let me show him tonight what he is messing up if he doesn't come clean with what is going on. 


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I had on my white long sleeve shirt and grey pants, i sat on the sofa waiting for Dime i booked us a reservation at Terra Nova as i waited i contemplated with myself that i just need to come clean to Dime about what is going on as i don't want her to find  out on her own or by someone else. I ensured i always stayed out of the lime light, but i can't help but feel like a failure i was always known to be honest and upfront with my feelings, I told my cousin Peter earlier "Can't believe you did that to Dime bro from the get go you pursued her , you need to man up and take accountability what has gotten into as of late. We all know Cheryl wants nothing to do with you and yes you have your demons that i know you have yet to tell Dime but tell her before Cheryl or anyone one does and call me when you have learn from Lorenzo and Oshina at least. " Peter said and hung up. I have never heard him this upset with me.  

I heard heels clicking and got when i turned in Dime's direction and i must say i was stunned how is that i ended up with this beauty. She looked more and more beautiful than the first. 

"How am i so lucky "i asked. 

"Well let's see you walked me down and made me an offer which turned into love and i hope you don't forget " she said as she walked up to me and place a passionate kiss on my lips.

I smiled and we walked out to the car as i opened the door for her to get in , i need to tell her tonight . We reached the restaurant and the hotest placed us at the table, the waiter came over and we both order mash potato and brussel sprout with curried shrimp i ordered a bottle of moscato . 

"So how is work "She asked. 

"Same we have started the project and i have another on the way but that requires me to fly out to new york, i think you should come" I said. 

"Okay , but we will see if New York will work. But i can't wait for you to see something tomorrow" She said. Our food came and we ate as we both updated each other on work and she and her clothes. I decided it was time for me to be honest. 

"I have something to tell you and i must warn that while you may not agree with it , I am aware of my mistake and i take full accountability." I said as i took a sip of the wine ready to bare m y indiscretions to her. There was a flash and when i look to the right it was the paparazzi. 

Dime covered her face and i suggested we leave , we reached the car and sat inside 

"So what i was trying to say is that i had ch.... " before i could continue the phone rang and it was Zack , i answered and Zack informed me the warehouse was just burnt down. I rubbed my temples 'HOW THE FUCK DID THAT HAPPEN"I asked. "I am not sure but dont come lets meet at the safe house" He said "Be there in 10 minutes" I said and hung up. 

"Yea just work , i have to drop you home and head there " I said. 

Dime just nodded and looked straight ahead , i know i should just tell her and forget about work but i need to get to the bottom of this. 


Elijah dropped me off and i went inside and just took off my clothes and went in the bed. He was about to tell me whats up and these fucking paps . I turned on the TV and saw the pictures Of us on the screen i turned it off. We weren't normally featured but i just didn't want to dwell on it , i went and sleep. 

I heard noise coming from the kitchen and i sat up and called out "Elijah is that you " I said. No response was heard i walked out to the kitchen and there he was drinking water and on the phone "Come the fuck off my phone bitch "He said. I walked towards him and he reeked of alcohol i took the phone from him "Babe i didn't mean it just please talk to me " ,Cheryl said.  

I answered "He is not your babe but i will be sure to pass the message on. " I said and hung up. Elijah was now sitting on the floor talking but i could hardly make out what he was saying. 

I stooped down to him and then he looked at me with tears in his eyes " I am sorry Dime i fucked up i should never have fucked her , sorry Dime please forgive me i can't father a child for her " I immediately cover my mouth and sobbed. I took his phone and deleted the calls from Cheryl. I went straight in the bedroom and cried myself to sleep. 

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