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Last night was nothing short of amazing, i woke up with Dime laying next to me with a smile on  her face while she slept. I love how she opened up to me literally and physically . I got out of the bed and went in the bathroom to take care of my hygiene.

I came out of the shower to hear my phone ringing i immediately went to the night table to answer so that Dime didn't wake.  I looked at the caller ID and it showcased it was Cheryl. Why is she calling me, she and I are over and I don't intend to go back to her I am happy with Dime. I blocked her number and deleted her number out of my contacts. I was busy doing that, when I felt someone hugging me, of course, it was Dime. I turned around to her and she had a smile on her face I immediately kissed those luscious lips.

We finally stop kissing each other as we gasp for air. I cannot get enough of Dime. "I love you, Dime," I said, I know I was getting soft.

"I love you, Eli, I never thought you offering me to be your stripper would turn in me finding love," she said while she hugged me and look at me our eyes seem to be searching each others soul.

My phone ring and we immediately came out of embrace as she went into the bathroom and I to the phone. I looked at the caller ID which showcased my friend Zack calling me. "Zack what's up " I asked.
"We have a problem the 2 shipments did not make it" he started in a serious tone.

What the fuck is happening that's the 3 time this month. Owning three business is hard.
"Okay I will be there at noon"
"Okay boss later" he said and hung up.
I went in the bathroom and saw Dime having a shower. So I went and put on my black suite with a white shirt.

I went downstairs to make some coffee. While I was making coffee I saw an email come in on my phone. I checked it and it said
"I know you miss me but we will be together. Soon very soon. Btw does wifey know about us " a picture was also attached I open it and there it was Cherly yet again.
She doesn't get that I am happy with Dime.
I deleted the email and made some scrambled eggs.

Cheryl POV
After sending Elijah the picture, I went in the kitchen to make some breakfast.While I was cutting some banana for my smoothie I heard the front door opening. Then I heard
" Mommy !Mommy!", I turned to see my little baby boy with his dad Zack who was my rebound from Elijah.
"How is mommy 's baby I asked as I knelt down for Zachary to hug me.
" I had fun with dad so much fun " he said with a grin.
Zachary was a 3 year old boy who looks more like his dad than me with dark brown hair and square jaw line and he only took the freckles from me.

" Hey Zack love you see you next week, take care of your mom and listen to her bud " Zack said to his son as he walked over to him Zack lift up Zachary and immediately hugged each other. I love the bond they both share.

" That's it I just need to have sex with Elijah and give him a son " I said to myself. I didn't even realize Zack had left, Zack and I didn't work out because be was a workaholic and travelled too much plus he wasn't my soulmate like how me and Elijah connect.

Hope everyone enjoyed the holiday season ❄️

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