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Elijah POV 

"Can you please leave now !" She said sternly as she looked over some documents. "Dime i screwed up but i do love you and i want to work through this with you please don't give up on us"i begged. 

"Mr.Mahfood if you know what is good for you ,just leave and when i am ready to see or even hear you i will let you know" she stated. I walked out and let her be i stand in her store looking at what she has accomplished without me and how independent she has become , i feared this that she will leave and for some reason i feel like she will. 

I walked out and drove to the office so that i could try and get some work done. I reached my office and went over some documents when i heard a clicking sound the door was open and revealed the intruder in my like. 

"Why the fuck are you hear ? " I asked. 

"Babe i am hungry me and the baby need food."Cheryl stated. If i could kill her now i really would , i don't think i can manage this . I got up and of course the pest followed outside was paparazzi taking pictures , i walked straight to my car and of course left Cheryl standing there. 

I reached home to a lonely place , i decided to cook some spaghetti and meatballs i got started in hopes Dime will be home soon. I thought about how i messed up badly, how did i make this mistake. 

Dime Pov 

I sat in the meeting room forcing myself not to dwell on the situation in my marriage , i can't afford to cry over a man who should have been upfront . I finished up all the paperwork, then i decided to go in the sewing  room and do some of my designs. 

I ordered a box of pepperoni  pizza when the delivery came i ate a slice and continued to sew. I was able to get 13 outfits done when i looked at the time it was 11:30 pm. I decided to sort out what i would need for tomorrow and do my itintand i immediately answered. 

"Hey Dime it's been too long " She said, Shayla was Elijah cousin employee. 

"Hey hun, i have been busy lately hopefully i can  get you to come and do some modelling for me , i am finally pening my store" I stated. 

"Oh my God congrat D, that's so nice but how did you convince Elijah that you will be working ?" She asked. 

"Elijah had no choice especially now that he got his Ex wife pregnant" I stated

"What the fuck ?Hold up we are talking about Elijah Mahfood who looks at you like the most beautiful woman and loves you like crazy ?"She asked. I just broke down in tears. 

"D, where are you now she asked ?"

"I am at the store" i said in between the crying.

"Dime i wish i could be by your side hun if this fool didn't carry me all the way the bahamas she uttered. 

"Dime hunny i want you to go to the bathroom and cry as much as you want then wash your face and go to a hotel and stay for the night hun , then in the morning i will be there. I have to go now but call me if you need to " She said. 

"Okay that Shay thanks " I said. I did as Shayla suggested i called a cab  and went to the Marriott and stayed there. 

 I went on instagram and posted a photo with the caption :"Blossoming despite the pest that are around ." 


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