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I went home early because i wasn't able to concentrate on work. Dime has yet to call me, what if something happen to her. Pacing back and forth in the living room i heard a car , i walked outside to see Dime getting out and hugging a guy she walked up to me and smiled. I met her half way and hugged and kissed her lips "What happen?" i asked immediately. She laughed and motion for us to go inside. 

Dime and her suspense we  were now inside Dime went to the kitchen drank some water and ate a slice of cheesecake that was in the fridge. "Well ??" i asked impatiently. 

"Okay fine , i torture her just a little",she said.  "What the fuck Dime i can't afford a blow back on you "i said. 

Dime is just standing here smiling, why isn't she getting that i can't have her get caught with whatever she has done. 

"Babe calm down the bitch drug you want did you think i would have done just sit there and not avenge this?"She said loudly with tears coming from her eyes, I just stood there angry , this witch really took it this far. What the fuck is wrong with her. 

I took a gun from my waist and place it on the kitchen island this fucking bitch will pay, she made me think i had betrayed Dime , i almost lost Dime. 

"Babe, i took care of it she has a child so i couldn't do what i wanted"Dime stated. But Cheryl didn't have a child and how did Dime know these information. 

Zack POV 

I was looking into the  shipments when i realized there was a familiar person in the video. 

"Fuck! this can't be it Fuck! ,Fuck! "

I went and call the investigator and told him to follow this bitch , how did this even happen. 

I went back in my room to my son,Zachary was just the sweetest boy i love him with all my heart and i will protect him at all cost as i don't want anything to blow back on us. 

I called Elijah immediately.

"E, we got the culprit need to see u asap " I said. 

Dime POV 

"Elijah will you calm down we will get to her but noting that will take her from her child, okay " i said but Eli was just standing there his face stern as ever,which i have never seen before. 

I kissed his cheeks and he relaxed a bit. "I am going to design some more outfits can you come and help me?" I asked and he nodded. We went in my little den in the back of the house and he helped me take out the materials. But Elijah wasn't himself after i told him, he was just staring at the fabric folding and unfolding. I was thinking of getting my own place so that we could reinvent but after this i think it's best we stick together show a united front and still work on our problems. Monica called me and we went over my itinerary for the weeks to come as i wanted to ensure everything in the store was running smoothly. Plus i had some interviews lined up. 

Cheryl POV 

I made it home despite all the hurt , i called T but no answer. Where is T ? .I bandage up my woud and check my account i see the 10 million dollars now all i need to do is embezzle at least 2 billion from Elijah. Dime has just gotten in my way but i have something plan for her fucking ass. Bitch think she can get away with what she did she made a small mistake. I called Simpson  my personal doctor and fuck buddy i needed some medications. 


I looked at what was happening and i was happy it was playing how i wanted it. Cheryl has taken care of everything she has burned down Elijah Business and he doesn't know that his Drug connect  is now heading to him. Thanks to Cheryl she has burned and she has gotten torchured by Dime. This is just lovely Zack is stupid he doesn't even realise Zachary is not his and Cheryl has used all of their son's inheritance. It's about to be festive all that needs to happen now is Dime dead and Elijah loosing everything along with Cheryl rotting but i know who i can set up to move this in motion. I made the call to the one person i know i can count on to help me out. 

I called Steven and Monica  as i needed an update on Dime immediately. 


How will Elijah Cope ? 

What do you think Elijah should do ? 

What are your thoughts on Zack ? 

Who is T ? And what is T relationship to Steven and MOnica?

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