Chapter 3

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Dime POV

We purchased our house and renovated it. Elijah is gone off to work and I am home trying to think of what to do.

I decided to go and bake some cookies, while baking I heard a car horn.

I went to the front door and guess who is there non other than the woman from yesterday. "What's her name again ?" I asked myself.
She walked up dressed in a black pants and white long sleeve shirt and white pumps.
" Hi Dime, I just came to apologize for my behavior yesterday," she said with a smile.

This girl really believes I am an idiot okay let's play along.

" Look you and Elijah had a past a drunken night whatever it was. And that part is Over!. I don't want any trouble with you and would respect it if you call before appearing at my house. " I started

She looked at me intently then said " I was not trying to cause a problem and Eli and I are just friends I respect that he has a wife and as such, I just want to apologize and start on a different note with you "

This girl is either really stupid or delusional.

" Look I met Eli at a time in my life when I was trying to escape. And even thou that part of our life ended I want us to continue to be friends including you. " she said

" Okay I hear you " I simply stated.

" okay , oh before I forget my boss is looking a assistant and I know you have no friends here. And I am not sure if you have any plans if you are interested let me know " she said

" Okay thanks for the offer but I am busy at the moment" I told her.

" Okay the offer still stands, we'll bye " she did and walked to her car got in and drive away.

I need to tell Elijah to change the front gate code.

My phone started to ring and the caller ID showed it was Shayla. Elijah's Cousin Secretary.

" Hey Shayla "

" Hey Dime can we meet up tomorrow I need to talk to you asap." she said in a frantic tone.

******Early update y'all *********

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