Chapter 5

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Elijah POV

I had to work late but I made sure to call Dime and let her know. Heading home I picked up some roses and purchased cheese cake for Dime as those were her favorite. Plus I wanted to celebrate with her, I just closed a major deal which has added 2.5 million dollars to our bank account.

And yes Dime has access to my money but she has never once touch it, I have to purchase things.

Once driving in I saw a woman in car outside which was strange in our neighborhood because houses were far apart and it was a old beat up Honda Civic. Not paying it much mine I drove in and ensure the gates close before I head to the house.

I parked and entered the house welcoming the soft music being played and the aroma of food being circulated through the house walking to the kitchen I saw Dime dancing swaying those hips while stirring the pot. I placed the wine and cake on the counter and walked up behind her , before I could hug her she said " It's not nice to walk in without making your presence known" .

I hugged her and realize she was cooking beef stew and their was potato in a pot boiling along with white rice in another pot steaming. This girl can throw down. " Okay I will announce my presence but someone else would like to make their presence known" I said. My cock throbbed against her and she smiled.
"Okay go and bathe and dinner will be set for you by then " she said and kissed her jaw and sleeper her ass letting her Yelp and shaking her head.

I took a shower and put on white joggers and and white tee and head to the kitchen just in time to see Dime plating the food. She looked up and smile at me and then pointed to the dining table. Our dinning table which could host 10 people , why do we have such a large table I have no idea it was made of cedar wood and black prime finish. On the table was a bowl with of raw vegetables which includes lettuce and tomato then on my plate was mash potato some steam rice and beef stew. The table also had a bowl with mash potato and rice along with beef stew.

I poured the glass of lemonade that she made in our cups while dime was in the kitchen wiping down the counter and stove.

"Babe come and eat food is getting cold " I said. I loved that Dime always kept the house clean she has serious OCD . Dime walked to the table and said " You know I have to clean the kitchen before I eat. I just can't help myself."

I smiled and so did she." Let's pray" i said "Lord bless the food we are about to partake of and bless dimes hands for making such a delicious meal,lord thanks for all the blessing you have bestowed to us making us come together as one in your name i pray amen" I prayed. She looked at me and smiled " You know you are getting hang of praying and i love it if only you will let us go to church" She said. I just looked at her and shrug.

She got me into praying more and yes she has been asking to go to church but i don't want to cross that bridge yet. " So remember the deal i have been doing papers for lately?" I asked.

" Yes, the one that had you coming home late and no loving " she said with a smirk while looking at me then she took a bite in the lettuce.

" You get dicked down every night thou" I smirked and she blushed. "Well we got it so that's 5.5 million and 2.5 out of it is ours" i said and she looked like at me shockingly while she drank the lemonade. I had finish eating so i was relaxed.

" WOW!, Congratulations all your hard work and i know more hard work is coming " she said as she held my hands.

"Yes but it wont be that much long hours, or rather i will try to be home by 6pm the latest i want to have dinner with you every evening" I told her.

" Yes i would like that very much , speaking of work i was thinking that i need to get a work i don't want to be in the house all day with nothing to do Eli" She said sternly looking me dead in the eyes.

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