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*3rd POV*

The teams set off the next day, next night to be exact. Gamma and Beta completed their part of the job and all that was left was for Alpha and Delta to dip Bree into the pit.

"Nightingale, do you copy? This is Alpha squad leader 1 speaking."

"I read you, Nightstar. What's the haps?"

"Delta Squad has taken down all of the guards down here, and we are about to drop Bree into the pit. Thought you would and Blue would want to take part in this action." Mar'i answered.

"Squads Gamma and Beta will be there in a few shakes of a lamb's tail. Wait for us. But don't drop your guard."

"Ten-four, Nightingale. Nightstar over and out."

Just as Gale had said, all four teams had gathered by the pit in less than ten minutes.

"Go ahead Alpha squad. You may continue." Gale said.

Bart, Karen, Mar'i and Rudy waded into the green waters of the lazarus pit. Bart slowly and gently placed the comatose girl into the healing waters.

Everyone watched as Bree's motionless body sank into the healing waters. They were so mesmerized that no one noticed the dark shadow that lurked behind them. That is, except Jaime. He heard very faint breathing behind him and turned around.

Damian stood there with a few of his assassins. He held his finger to his lips.

"What are you doing here, ese?! If Gale finds out, she'll have your head." Jaime growled lowly as to not allow Gale to hear.

"I'm the leader of this place. The real question is, what are you lot doing here?" Damian hissed, matching his tone of voice to Jaime's.

"Gale figured it out. How you are now the Demon's head and how you and your brothers teamed up with your father to keep Bree from having a chance to live." Jaime whispered back.

Without even turning around Gale spoke up. "I hate your guts, you know that, Damian."

Everyone turned back to see Damian. His assassins took on a fighting stance. Gale remained staring at the pool of green water. She watched as her daughter's body floated to the surface and sat up, coughing up the excess water.

"Stand down, soldiers. Gale! What a nice surprise! What brings you here, to my humble abode?" Damian asked, feigning surprise.

"Oh you know very well why I'm here." Gale snarled.

"Yes, I do. Which is why I must ask why. Why didn't you listen to Dick?" Damian asked.

"Oh you think I would listen to him? How surprising. You know bloody well that I don't listen to liars." Gale growled.

"We weren't lying, Gale." Damian said.

"Oh really? Then why is my daughter standing in that green water and breathing normally? 'The pit's waters won't heal her, Gale.' Dick said. That's bull." Gale said and turned around to face Damian.

"Gale, listen. At the time we didn't think the pit could heal her." Damian said as an excuse.

"Oh, stop spewing your crap! Bruce told you to tell me that, didn't he? You and the others went to visit him. And to get revenge for mouthing him off in public, he made a plan to try to keep me from having my daughter back. Of course all four of you went along with him. He's Daddy Dearest! He took in Dick after a circus homicide. He saved Jason and me from the clutches of a madwoman. Tim deduced their identities. You. You are the son he was given from a one night stand. I can't believe this! I can understand Tim and Dick following him like puppies but you and Jason! I lived twelve years of my life with Jason without knowing I actually had parents. I lived five more years with my father without even knowing he was my father. I lived so many years with my biological brothers without knowing they were of my blood. And then I begin calling my father by that name. I should have never believed in either of you. If I knew my own family members were going to stab me in the back, I would have just said no to Bruce back when I was a broken twelve year old girl and died at the hands of Kitten. I can't call your four my brothers anymore. Not even my blood brothers." Gale said.

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