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It's been three months. Three whole freaking months Mar'i and I had to deal with extreme torture. I really hope they are looking for us. Who knew that Lex Luthor is a psycho?!

"Girls, I brought a guest for you! Joker, you can come out now."

What is the Joker doing in Metropolis?! Wait, this might be good!

"Mar'i! This might be our big break!" I said through the mind link I created between us.

"How so, Bree? You do know that we could die today. Remember Uncle Jason?"

"I know about him. Just think. Where does Joker mostly create chaos?"

"Oh. Ohhhhhhhhh! In Gotham, where we're supposed to be! So if Grandpa notices that Joker isn't out for his monthly outing, then they'll have to find him and they'll find us!"

I smiled as she figured it out. Joker strolled over with a crowbar. "Whatcha smilin' at, girl?"

"Oh nothing! Just thinking about how we might die and all the bat family will come after you." I spat. Joker grinned his evil smile.

"Oh? But what if they don't know where you are? It's been three months since Ember Hayle and Nightstar joined the kiddie league. What if they've stopped looking for you?"

"Our family is still searching for us, I know it!" Mar'i said. Joker laughed.

"Keep telling yourselves that, kiddos. For now, let me introduce to you my friend, Mister Crowbar! Funny, this is the same one that I killed the second Boy Blunder with. Look, see? It still has his blood on it! And now it's going to have yours."

Down came the crowbar. Once, twice, thrice. He'd alternate between Mar'i and I. What felt like hours that may have actually been one hour, our bodies were covered with blood.

"Oof. That looked like it hurt. Now let's try to clear some things up, okay? Which hurts worse?"


"Oof." Mar'i and I huffed.

"Or b?"




"Or backhand."

I whispered something and Joker leaned down to my face.

"Eh? I can't hear you, sunshine. I think you've got a collapsed lung. That always impedes the oratory."

"S-Screw you, J-Joker." I spat. Joker jumped back as soon as blood landed on his face and in his mouth.

"Well, you definitely are not your uncle. You're more the second Boy Blunder. He needed to be taught manners. Did I teach them to him? Nope! I just kept beating him. And the same goes for you two."

After two hours more of seemingly endless beatings, Joker stopped.

"It was nice seeing you two. Well, maybe a smidge more for me. I'm just guessing since you're quiet. Oh by the way, Luthor went home for the day and doesn't know about the bomb I placed in here. Be good girls and finish your homework and be in bed by nine. Tell the Big man I said, hello." With that said, Joker left.

"Well, crap." I muttered.

"You said it. Though, I think Uncle Jason need to watch his language around you." Mar'i choked.





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