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Last night, after the induction ceremonies for the Justice League and Young Justice, I went to bed with Mar'i feeling dizzy. I assumed it was just from being tired and I would feel better the next day. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. I woke up in a dirty bed made out of straw.

"Mar'i, wake up! We're not at Grandpa's house anymore." I gently shook her. Mar'i sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Well, where are we? If we're not at Grandpa's, then either we somehow were kidnapped or one of our uncles is playing a trick on us." Mar'i said. I nodded. Just then the door opened and in walked Lex Luthor.

"Now we know we were kidnapped but how?" We said to each other.

"That's simple. I deactivated the alarms and trackers and brought you into my humble abode." Lex announced. I rolled my eyes.

"All the way in Metropolis? Superman knows us and as soon as he sees us with you, he'll call in reinforcements." Mar'i said. Lex chuckled.

"How very bright you two are. No wonder you were accepted into the kiddie league. You are smarter than you look. How old are you two? Three?"

"We're seven and FYI, we can take you down. I bet you don't have robots that shoot lasers, fire or ice! And don't you dare think of creating such robots." I snarled. Lex just chuckled again.

"Mercy, Grace! Please come and fight these young ladies! Let's see if their fighting skills are just as impressive as their brains. "

Out came mercy and a new robot lady guard thing. Grace looked just like Mercy and even had the same features as Mercy. They both launched into a fighting stance and attacked us. Gosh, how happy I am to be wearing my summer pjs. Shorts are a lot easier to move in, like when you are in the middle of a fight.

"Hey Mercy! Come taste my starbolts!" Mar'i yelled as she hovered and threw laser blots at the robot guard lady. I flew to Mar'i's height and shot my fire and ice.

"I hope you like sweet and sour flavors! because I've got both!" I called to Grace. All the while, Lex was writing down notes in a small black notebook.

Grace raised her crossbow arm and shot at me. One bullet hit me in the arm and immediately I felt the effects. I couldn't shoot my ice from that arm anymore, or my fire!

"What did you do to her!" Mar'i demanded.

"Oh just a little something I created through the years. It's a bullet that will take out your powers. It's, of course, temporary but lasts for a long time. Perhaps a week, or a month. I decided to do a trial run you, to see if it actually works. I intend to give these bullets to Arkham Asylum and to Belle Reve. These bullets will take the place of the previously used inhibitor collars." Lex said. I growled at him.

"Come girls, I've seen enough. Would you kindly see to it that they get breakfast?" Lex ordered his girls and left. Mercy and Grace left too.

"This is bad, this is bad, this is bad, bad, oh very bad! How are we going to get out now?" Mar't cried.

"Mar'i, we still can get out. I may not be able to use my powers but I still have this." I held up Uncle Dick's old Titan's communicator. He gave one to both Mar'i and I to use when we were in need.

"Oh that's great! We can call Dad and he'll come get us! Let's call right now." Mar'i exclaimed. I shushed her, reminding her that we had to be quiet so our captors didn't find out.

"Bree? Is that you? What's up and is Mar'i with you?"

"Uncle Dick, can you track us? Lex kidnapped us last night and we don't know why. So far he made us fight Mercy and took notes on our skills." I spoke into the communicator.

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