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It's been an entire year and Bree still hasn't woken up. Many of the members of the Justice League have given up on our girl.

"I'm sorry, Gale but one year seems to be a long time to be in a coma." Wally had said.

"I've heard stories of people being a coma for longer than a year but that's mainly because of being brain dead. So technically, they're dead. So is Bree." Green Lantern had said.

Even her own brothers and few sisters had lost faith.

"I love you Gale but I think it's time to move on. If the toxin hadn't reached Bree's brain, she would have woken up by now." Jason had said.

"My calculations say that Bree isn't alive anymore. And she will never wake up. Sorry Gale." Tim told her.

"Gale. I hate that I'm saying this but Bree is most likely dead. It's been a year, and she should have woken up by now." Damian shared.

But what hurt the most was what Dick and J'onn had said.

"I wish I were lying when I say this but I'm not. Bree has been taken over by the toxin and there's nothing we can do about it. She's not like Mar'i; her body can't remove the toxin. I'm sorry but she's dead, Gale. And nothing can change that. Not even the Lazarus pit." Dick said.

"My deepest apologies, Gale. The toxin spread too fast. I managed to get it out of her immune system but I fear it was too late. Brianne is gone." J'onn gravely announced.

Gale refused to believe it. She had me take Bree to a hospital, since apparently none of our doctors could help our daughter.

"I'm sorry Nightingale but I believe that the toxin has killed your girl." The doctor shared.

This all happened last week. Currently, we were sitting on our couch in our house.

"Jaime, what do I do? Bree can't be dead, she can't! She was only seven!" Gale cried.

I rubbed her back, comforting her.

"I know. I can't stand the fact that we only got seven amazing years with her. Part of me thinks Dick was lying about the Lazarus pit." I said.

"What do you mean? Dick would never lie about something like that."

"Think about it, mi Amor. Bree isn't anywhere near the state where the healing factor of that pit couldn't help her. Her problem is only inside her body, not outside. It's been said that the pit can't heal a body that's been badly damaged, not poisoned." I said.

"I think you're right! When Jason died after the explosion in Bosnia, he was beyond the said limit of the pit, but he was able to be healed. The same was with Ra's and he was worse than Jason. I think they don't want Bree to live." Gale said.

"This might be a bad time to say this but I overheard that your brothers went to go visit Bruce in jail. And I also heard that Damian now is the head of the League of Assassins. I don't know how much of it is true, though." I commented.

"That bastard! I knew he was up to something! Bruce teamed up with my brothers to keep me away from the pit so that I couldn't help Bree. They're saying she's too far gone, but she's not. Jaime, suit up. I'm calling a meeting of the remaining people who believe Bree can be saved." Gale growled.

"That's the spirit! Let's get going. You can radio everyone on the way to the Mountain." I told her.


There were not many people gathered in the main mission room of the mountain. Only Artemis, and Kaldur, Cate and Rudy, Conner and M'gann, the three Roys, Zatanna, Jon, and the current team members. Also Oliver and Dinah, Diana, and the Hawkman and woman. Katie, Damian's wife was there as well.

"Alright folks. We have an act of treason on our hands. Bruce somehow got contact to all four of my brothers. Damian recently gained control of the League of Assassins. Because of this, I have reasons to believe that Bruce teamed up with the boys to try to stop me from being able to have access to the Lazarus pit. Dick said Bree was too far gone for the pit to heal her. Well, she's not. And they know that. Bruce must have told them to find ways to keep me from going to the pit. Which is why I called you here." Gale announced.

"Yes. By know, they must know that we have deduced their lies. So they'll be heavily guarding all entrances into the base and every entrance there is to the pit. We need a team large enough to sneak in and get Bree to the pit." Jaime continued.

"I see we'll be needing at least three squads to put this plan into motion. The older members here will distract the guards and any of the boys who might be lurking around. This will be Gamma Squad." Dinah said.

"That's good, so Artemis, Kaldur, Oliver, Dinah, Conner, Hawkman and woman, and Diana, you guys set to be Gamma?" Gale asked. They nodded.

"Then I believe the second oldest should break in and fight any of the guards that might be inside the base leading to the pit." Cate shared.

"That team will be Beta and will have Cate,Katie, Jaime, Zatanna, Conner, M'gann, Roy, Will, Jim, Jon and myself." Gale said.

"Then does that mean Alpha will be bringing Bree to the pit and dipping her in?" Brion asked. Gale nodded.

"Yes. But since this team is so big, we'll split it into to. Half of you will actually dip her in, while the other half will taken down the final guards and keep a lookout." Gale explained.

"The Outsiders will be Delta Squad, keeping a lookout and taking down the remaining guards. To clarify, this will be Brion, Violet, Garfield, Forager, Terra, and Cassie." Jaime clarified.

"Then that means Bart, Mar'i, Karen, and Rudy will be dipping Bree into the pit. Alpha Squad, the responsibility lies in your hands." Artemis told them.

"We need to arrive when it's dark. It'll be easier to blend in with the shadows." Gale said. Everyone nodded. They left to suit up and gather all necessary items.

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