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A few months passed and we were winning. We were so very close to joining the Light, a group of well known villains who gather to plan attacks on the heroes. Kaldur and I left the ship to meet in an abandoned warehouse in Bludhaven. We were going meet the rest of our team who knew of our position.

When we arrived, there stood Wally, Dick, Gale, M'gann, Artemis, Conner and a few new faces.

"Cate, Kaldur. Please meet my younger adopted brother, Garfield Logan. His field name is Beastboy." M'gann introduced us to the young green skinned boy. The young child smiled and waved at us. I waved back with a smile.

"This Jaime Reyes, Blue Beetle and Halo, Violet Harper. Roy took her in as a sister." Dick introduced us to the blue armored boy and the girl who looked of arab descent. I smiled at the mention of the red headed archer, Red Arrow. I wonder what became of him. He never did want to join the team.

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you. Now, we must discuss the issue at bay. How are things going on your side?" Kaldur said.

"All is well with us. Though, Granny Goodness is close to completing the Anti-life equation." Artemis said.

"Everything is going well with us as well. Kaldur has proven his loyalty to his father and is being moved up the ladder. We're getting closer to joining the Light. Anyway, can we talk about life?" I asked, wanting to know how things were going on back home.

"So, you are the Cate Wally has been talking in his sleep about? Nice to meet you." Beastboy said.

"Mr. Fast? You were thinking of me? How sweet! I've been thinking of you too. And Kaldur, he has been thinking of you, Artemis. Artdur must get together." I smirked. Kaldur had red dusting his cheeks.

"Well, I believe you were the one who was dancing with a broom you found during down time, Cate. You were kissing it and calling it Wally." Kaldur shot back with a small smirk. I felt my face flush, which I now knew to be a blush. Wally smiled and scooped me up bridal style. He kissed my lips and I kissed back.

"Hey! Let's keep it PG! Plus there are plenty of empty rooms here for you two." Dick called. We broke the kiss, blushing.

"Hey, you can't tell them to stop kissing. You weren't much better with Zatanna." Conner smirked. Kaldur and I perked up at this.

"Here, I'll tell you. So we put secret cameras on the bat family's suits and saw what Dick was like when he was away from his girl, on patrol in Gotham. Only because most of our family has a different patrol route than he does. Anyway, he'd lay down and start saying that the stars made a constellation of her. And he'd kiss me. One time, he even kissed the Joker, because Dick thought he looked like Zatanna!" Gale laughed. We all joined in. Dick's face was as red as a beet.

"S-Shut up!"

"Sorry boy wonder." We all chorused.

"Whatever. I think we need to start planning how to stop both parties." Dick grumbled.

"Well, could we somehow get in a fight in which Halo gets captured and take to Granny, since she has a motherbox in her?" Gar suggested.

"Little brother, that's a great idea!" M'gann exclaimed.

"Yes! Cate and I shall make arrangements for that to happen. Halo, Granny might make you complete the Anti-life equation, since you have what is needed to complete it. You must cooperate with her and from there we'll somehow take down both parties." Kaldur concluded.

We all nodded then hugged. It was time for Kaldur and me to return to the ship.

"Wally, be safe." I whispered into his ear as we hugged.

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