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As we ran back to the nearest Zetatube, I suddenly got a plan. I grabbed Wally's shoulder before he entered.

"Wally, what if we go slow about this? Like, only tell a few people? By a few I mean the Bat family, Artemis, Kaldur, and M'gann. We tell them where we think Damian and Cate are, and we will find them. Just us, not the whole team. We don't need to have the new kids involved." I told him.

"So basically, just the original team will save our lost members. Okay. That's a good plan. Let's get started!" Wally pumped his fists in the air.

Recognized: Kidflash - B-0-3.

Recognized: Superboy - B-0-4.

"Okay, how long does it take to get some dog food?! Artemis said you left to get dog food two hours ago!" Garfield exclaimed as we walked in.

"Let's just say we ran into my family and got to talking." I answered the green boy.

"Really? Where's the evidence then?" Jaime asked.

I showed them the bag. The bag was nothing special, and I wasted my money on a brand that Wolf doesn't even like. That is, if he even has preferences.

"Hey, do you know where Dick and the others are?" Wally asked.

"He's in his room with the rest of the Bat gang." Cassie said, not looking up from her book.

"Hey, when Wally's talking to you, look at him!" Gar said.

"Lay off her, Gar. Cassie's new. And please don't say this to Bumblebee, Lagoon Boy, and the others." Wally said.

We headed off to Dick's room.

"Hey, Dick, can we come in? We have something to discuss." I called. The door slid open, revealing everyone in the Bat family, including Batman.

"What's up, Conner? Wally?" Gale asked.

"We may have a lead to where Damian and Cate are. While you were in here...hehe...we left to go look for Cate. She's with her father and son is Damian. Lex said they captured him. And Care doesn't remember Wally." I explained, while rubbing my neck nervously.

"Really! Finally! Dami's going to be saved!" Gale and Dick cried. Batman, Wally, the others and I all looked at each other. Honestly? Dick acts like a 13 year old most of the time, even though he's 18. Gale acts like 13 year old even though she's 17, like Jason.

"What plan do you have, or do you have one at all?" Batman asked.

"Someone get Artemis, Kaldur and Zatanna. All of us here plus those three will save our lost members." Wally said.

"We're right here, Baywatch. Cassie told us you were here." Artemis said.

We told them the plan.

"Alright, so you're going to Lex's house tomorrow? " Tim spoke up for the first time. I nodded. Everyone nodded then left for bed.


What's going on with me? I'm acting like good little brother to Cate. And I'm not a good little brother. This all started 5 years ago, after Persis was taken by Luthor. A month after, I was kidnapped and now I'm actually having fun with the Light. I'm now 15, Cate's 18, like Wally. Speaking of which, I wonder if the team is looking for us. I can't say that I like killing.

"Oh, Dami! I'm ready to go swimming with you." Persis called into my room. I happily got up from my bed and opened the door. I was already dressed in my red with black swim shorts.

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