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Dick: 25





Tim: 23

Damian: 22

Katie: 21

Artemis: 28

Kaldur: 29

Cate: 26

Wally: 27

The oldest of the team are 29-28

The youngest of the team are 17-19


It's been seven years since I started dating Jaime. We married when Brianne turned three. Now she's seven and training to join the team.

"Gale, are you sure she should join the team? She'll be the youngest." Dad asked.

By now, I've started calling Bruce Dad. I've come to terms that he and Mom were in the wrong by not telling me but I forgave them.

"Dad, you had us all start at a young age. You had Dick start at nine! Why is this any different?"

"Gigi, back then it was just Bruce and I. I didn't start the team until I was thirteen. Actually, the team had just started when you and Jason came about. And Tim and Damian didn't come until the team had been operating for at least three months. Do you really want to put Brianne into this?" Dick said.

"Yeah, Gale. The youngest on the team right now are roughly 17. Bree is seven. " Jason added.

"Shut up all of you! I know what I'm doing! I get that Bree is only seven and Bart is only 17. Just hear me out, okay? Artemis is on the team, so are M'gann, Conner, Wally, Cate, Jaime and all of us! We can help her! Unless you're worried that she'll be lonely, then ask Kori if Mar'i can join! Then there will be two 7 year olds surrounded by generations of helpers. I'm only doing this because of something called powers. A babysitter would freak if they saw that Bree can shoot ice from her hands just like Elsa from that movie Dick loves. I'm keeping her in a community where everyone has powers and use them for good."

'Yeah but-" Dick began.

"Dick, listen. Do you want Mar'i to be laughed at for her solid green eyes? It's already hard enough for the girls to be different than the kids at school but then to be laughed at and ridiculed? So what if they never make friends outside of us? They will have a huge family of people who have powers and those who are greatly trained in self-defense. All I want for my baby girl is for her to feel at ease with her differences. Jason, you remember our life with Kitten, right? Do you want your niece to go through what we had to go through, what I had to go through?"

Silence followed my statement. Jason finally sighed.

"No, I don't. So for the sake of you and our past, I will let you bring Bree into our life." Jason said.

"Wait, I don't know what you're talking about but, aren't I already in your life, Uncle Jason, Mom?" A young voice sounded.

"Yes, Brianne. You are in our life. What Jason means is that you will be allowed to join our life of fighting crime." Damian replied. Bree's face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Really? Will I actually join the team?"

"Yes, sweetie, you will. And Uncle Dick is going to ask Mar'i if she wants to join too." I said. Bree hugged me. I glared at Dick over her shoulder.

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