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Before we knew it, we had ended up on the other side of Happy Harbor. We now knew five years' worth of information about each other in two hours. Jaime loves to read, skateboard and to help others and does so by volunteering thrice a month at the local food line in his town. I too love to read, but I love to sing, dance and help others in every way I can.

"Wow. Time flies by fast when you're talking." Jaime said. I nodded.

"It's getting late, and I think by now everyone has gone home, except for us. Would you like an escort home, hermosa?" Jaime asked.

"Thank you very much. I would appreciate it. " I answered. He transformed into Blue Beetle and took me into the night sky bridal style. In fifteen minutes, we arrived at Wayne Manor.

"Thanks again, Jaime. I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked.

"Sure thing, mi amor." He winked and flew off.

As soon as I opened the door and stepped in, six men were glaring at me.

"Where have you been? Patrol started six minutes ago." Bruce demanded.

"Blame Tim for inventing that match making thing. Jaime took me out for a walk. And FYI, I will not be joining you on patrol tonight, or ever again, for a long time." I spat.

"Hey, don't go giving me attitude, young lady!" Bruce yelled as I made my way up to my room.

"It's not me who decided to hide some important info from your blood kids until they were 17. Also, if you haven't forgotten, I'm pregnant. Nine months at that. You don't want me going into labor during a fight, do you?"

They stayed silent.

"I thought so. And will someone please tell me why Alfred is mad at me? Oh, wait right. Sorry for missing dinner, Alfie." I called.

I expected some peace and quiet before bed but that didn't happen. My four brothers trailed into my room.

"Can't a girl have her privacy?!" I yelled into my hands.

"Sorry, Gigi, but we have some questions to ask you." Dick said.

"If they're about Jaime, ask them to him yourself. I'm not saying anything. Plus we aren't even a thing yet!" I said.

"But we all have the skill of lying under pressure. How can we be so sure that you aren't hiding something from us, Gale?" Damian countered.

"Oh please, you are just as bad at lying as I am. So shut up."

"Okay, how about this. Why are you so mad at Dad?" Jason asked.

"You've already started calling Bruce that name?! How? He's not even suitable to be a dad."

"You know? Guys, I think we should leave. Like right now. Must I remind you we have a teenage female in our mist who just became nine months pregnant. And not by progress, but by the evil works of people testing people for the metagene? Gale is on the verge of one of her mood swings, and from the looks of it - she's going into the angry-at-everything-and-everyone mood." Tim said as he looked up from his phone.

"So in non technical words that means what exactly?" Dick asked. Tim sighed.

"Gale's in a mood caused by being a teenage girl and a teen who's pregnant." Tim stated.

"Thanks for stating the obvious, nerd. Now listen to the nerd and leave before you have your guts all over my carpeted floor." I hissed and bared my teeth for good measure. The four of them ran out. I could hear them warning Bruce and Alfred to not enter my room.

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