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*Tim/ Red Robin*

As soon as I woke up, I made my way to the kitchen. Upon my arrival, I saw Gale pacing back and forth.

"What's up, Gigi? You're more nervous than a chicken about to get its head chopped off." I commented, leaning against the counter. I swear if she isn't thinking about me...

"I know this is really random, but it has come to my attention that someone hasn't been taking care of themselves very well. I'm worried for that someone, Tim. Ever since Bruce began making everybody train more hours and harder, you have not been getting enough sleep. Don't deny it, I can tell that you have been staying up really late either working on school work, cases, or playing on your phone computer thing! I've noticed you have only been sleeping three whole hours. Tim, you have insomnia. You're not fine. And I want to help you!"

Great. She is thinking about me. I should have known my self-care habits would get her worried.

"Gale, I'm fine! I've just been losing sleep because of our nightly jobs. I don't have insomnia. Never in my 16 years of life have I ever been not fine. I was fine when I watched the Flying Graysons fall to their death. I was fine when my parents died in the car crash. I was fine when Cate was kidnapped. And I'm still fine! I don't need help. So back off my life." I yelled at her.

I stormed off to my room. I'm actually lying to her. I'm not fine. I know I have insomnia, it's obvious. Why won't I admit I need help? Because my family already babys me because of my eating disorder. I stopped eating after Cate was kidnapped. During the invasion, she and Kaldur would sneak into the manor for visits. I grew to trust Cate as a second sister and mother figure. Mainly because she never worried over me like the rest do. So apart of me left when she did. And I didn't want anyone else to have what happened to her to happen to them. So I stayed hyper alert, not sleeping at all. In addition to that, I've been slacking off on taking care of myself, in hopes that I would look normal, or close to normal. I don't know why I thought that would ever work.

I had hoped that my sleeping problem would leave once Cate came back, but it hasn't. And I don't think it will. And, I had hoped I would be able to eat a normal meal once again after Cate came back. I'm starting to realize that eating disorders don't stop whenever you want them. Neither does insomnia.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door.

"Go away!" I yelled. As if the person didn't hear me, they walked right in.

"Tim? Can I talk with you? What's going on with you? I've heard my leaving took on a greater toll than you imagined. So talk." Cate said

"Well, you're like a sister and a mother figure to me. I - I know I have Gale but let's say you're my second mom. So when you left, a part of me left too. I lost my appetite and started losing sleep. Bruce helped with that. After you were kidnapped, Bruce made us work harder at being alert and also harder in fighting so that we could fight against being kidnapped. I started staying up late working on school work and cases. When I wasn't doing that, I was playing mind games to help my mind stay awake. Now, I only sleep at the most 3 hours every day." I explained.

"You haven't told your family yet, right? Tim, you can't play tough guy forever. Hey, I may have made it look like I was living happily with Dad but in reality, no. Sure, my memories were erased but, it wasn't all fun and games. I've never told this to Damian but during our training, and missions, if I did something wrong, I'd get punished for it. And not your normal mother spanks the 4year old on the butt punishment. No, I got hard beatings and almost got raped. Just before we came back, Damian noticed my scars for the first time. Did I tell how I got them? No, I haven't but I will." Cate said.

"The thing is, I do want to tell them but, I don't want to be viewed differently than I already am. Since I'm the second to youngest, they baby me. 'Tim, be careful!' 'Tim, come to us if you need help.' 'Tim, eat more food! Don't want you fainting during patrol!' 'Tim, it'll be okay!' Tim this, Tim that, Tim, Tim, Tim! I'm sick of it! But can I stop them? No, because I'm the second to the youngest. They won't be babying Damian because he's the blood son of Bruce Wayne and of Batman. And the grandson of Ra's al ghul. Why can't they baby Jason or - or Dick? Even Gale? Jason smokes and drinks even though he's underage. Dick is reckless and comes home after patrol with the most injuries! But when I get a cut or a deep gash, it's the end of the world!" I ranted.

"Let me take care of that for you. They only do this because they don't want to lose you like they did with Jason and Damian. But I have to admit, they are overreacting. And for your insomnia, call for me before bed tonight and I'll help you get a full eight hours rest." Cate answered.

"But will it actually work? I don't know if I can suffer any longer. And how will they react? I don't think I can take it." I said. Cate put her hands on my shoulders.

"Tim, we can overcome this. If I tell them what happened to me during the time I was away, will you admit to them that you need help, and tell them how you feel about them babying you?"

I nodded my head yes. Cate pulled me into a hug and all the tears of long-suffering that I had been bottling up spilled.

*Dick/ Nightwing*

"So are you sure they're not making out in there? You told me Cate was going to talk to Tim 3 hours ago." I asked Gale.

"Oh, my gosh, Dick! Get your head out of the gutter! Cate's dating Wally! There's no way that she would cheat on him with Tim." Gale groaned.

Jason said something along the lines of "Tim probably isn't ready to do It yet. He can't even sleep a full eight hours." But since he had a cigarette in his mouth, it came out like "Im pwobly int eady to oo ish yes. E vant ewen sweep a wool ate hours."

"Hey, what's going on and where's Dra- I mean Tim?" Damian asked as he joined us in my room.

"Apparently, Cate went to go talk to Tim after he yelled at Gale for saying he needs help. Now we're waiting for them to come to us." Bruce answered.

"How long ago was this? Did they have breakfast?"

"Three hours ago and no. Why are you asking? You worried for Cate?" Gale said.

"Um, actually, yes. Cate hasn't been doing so well lately and I just recently noticed scars, burns and bruises on her. When I asked her about them, she just brushed it off. Come to think of it, she hasn't eaten at all in three days. And sometimes she disappeared for a long while after training and missions." Damian said.

Dami's changed. When he left, he didn't care about anyone. Now he is worried for Cate? What happened to you, Dami?

"Well, when you spend 5 years with the only other kid on Infinity Island, you form a bond. And yes, you did say that out loud, Dick." Damian answered my question and the unasked question.

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