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*Lex Luthor*

How would you feel if your only child was taken from you once, you get them back only for them to be taken from you again? That's what happen to my Persis, or Cate as you know her. Just so you know, I would never just give her up just like that. Though I know Batman's identity, I would never call him by his name. That girl Katie, now married to Damian, made a fake video call to Batman trying to release Cate and Damian to him. She lied, saying that I allowed Cate and Damian to leave.

Seven years have passed and I now have a plan to payback for the pain I was caused. I will not take back Cate, though I will take something more precious. Nightingale's daughter and niece, Ember Hayle and Nightstar. I will give them to Deathstroke, who, unlike me, is immortal. He can train these girls into being mercenaries. I have to say that I don't believe that they can perform correctly among their team. They are the youngest and the most gullible. They will be easy to convert to our side.


"We should totally do team uniforms! If we have a team insignia patch to put on our costumes, then it makes total sense to make team uniforms!" Bree announced at training.

"Heck to the no! I'm not going to wear a pink glittery suit in the field. Everyone will know that we have elementary kids on the team." Jon said.

"I second that. I don't want to look like a girl." Bart said.

"I doubt we'll do team uniforms. But if we do, and that's a big if, it won't be pink and glittery." Dad said.

"Who said anything about them being pink and glittery? I was imagining suits that are entirely red and had accents of the colors our old suits have. Or entirely black with accents of your suit colors." Bree said.

"She's got a point. Only you boys thought they would be those colors. Just because Bree's a girl doesn't mean she likes pink and glitter." Artemis commented.

"But she's a girl! All girls like glitter and fluffy pink unicorns and that kind of stuff!" Wally cried.

"Oh shut up. If we were to have team uniforms, we'd have them to wear today." Cate snapped.

"And what are we doing today, Miss Snappy?" Gar asked. At that moment, Grandpa and a few of the league members walked in. Mom, Aunt Gale, Uncle Damian, Uncle Jason, Grandma Diana and Dinah were among them.

"Alright team, time to go. Make sure you look how you want to look for the cameras." Grandpa said.

"Wait! Bman! What are we doing?" Bart yelled after him.

"Induction for new members of both leagues. Now. " Grandpa answered.

"This is Iris West-Allen reporting live at the Hall of Justice. We're here for the induction of new members to the Justice League and to confirm the members of Young Justice. Over to you Batman."

"Yes. First we have Tigress. Welcome to the big guns. Blue Beetle, welcome. Nightingale and Nightwing. Miss Martian, Red Hood, Red Robin, Robin. Last but not least, Koriand'r. Welcome to your new team. Do you promise to commit to your job at all times and to drop everything for missions?"


"There you have it folks. The new members of the Justice League. These heroes have been, until recently, on the Young Justice team and are now moving up as they have aged out of the age limit." Iris said. Then Aunt Gale stood up in front of the crowd.

"Now we will introduce the members of Young Justice. Impulse, Beastboy, Bumblebee, Wonder Girl, Halo, Geoforce, Terra, and Forager. And our newest members, Ember Hayle and Nightstar."

Brianne and I stood proudly among the team.

"As you can see, these two girls are the youngest of the team, being only seven years of age. Their skills have proven to be far superior even to the older members. Please welcome them." Aunt Gale closed.

"And now, we would like to do the passing on of names. Two of our long term Justice League members are stepping down. Their successors will take on their names and roles." Grandma Diana began.

"Will Kid Flash, Superboy and Super Kid step up please? Kid Flash, can we trust you to uphold your uncle's legacy and continue it?"


"Superboy, will you do the same but for Superman's legacy?"


"And Superkid, will you take on Superboy's name and continue his work on Young Justice?"


"There you have everyone. The new members of the Justice League, Young Justice and the new Flash, Superman and Superboy. This is Iris West-Allen signing off."

*Slade Wilson*

As I watched the inductions of the new members to both Leagues, I couldn't help but notice how cute the two new girls were. Ember Hayle a.k.a. Brianne Reyes, the daughter of Nightingale and Blue Beetle, Gale Wayne and Jaime Reyes. Nightstar a.k.a Mar'i Grayson, daughter of Nightwing and Starfire, Dick Grayson and Koriand'r. I have trained Dick Grayson and I know how dedicated he is to his work. In conclusion, I know that he dedicated his time away police work to train his daughter to be able to join the kiddie league. And if he is this dedicated, then his sister, Gale Wayne is just as dedicated. Brianne knows how to fight, and as stated, better than the older members of her team.

My point is, they are too good to be taken away by me and trained into being my apprentices. I know for a fact that their parents will grieve dreadfully for them and never stop looking form the girls until they are found. I am supposed to kidnap them. Will I? No. Will Lex pay me for trying? No. Do I care? No. Do I want an apprentice? Yes. Will I get one? Never. Just like Brianne told me, she chose this life and I chose mine. I will not take that away from them.

"Deathstroke! What are you waiting for? Get the girls! Their parents need to feel the pain I felt!"

"No, Lex. I will not being executing this plan. Though I desire an apprentice, I will not take these sweet girls from their parents." I said into my earpiece.

"Slade Wilson, have you gone mad!? Those parents need to be taught a lesson! I don't care if you think they should stay with their families! I want them away from the heros." Lex snarked in my ear.

"You know that saying, Lex. 'If you want anything done right, you have to do it yourself.' I'm not stealing innocent souls for your anger. If I want an apprentice, I will pick a street rat off the street, one with no moral rights in him or her." I sneered.

"Fine. Be that way. Just know that you could have been given a huge grant of money for those girls. I'd watch the newspaper headings going forward."

I groaned. I probably shouldn't have said that saying. Now, when the heroes go searching for those girls, Lex will pin the blame on me. If Lex steals the girls, I will side with the heroes to right the wrongs I did and perhaps gain a new ally in them. That would be a big if.

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