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*Brianne / Ember Hayle*

"Your mission will be very difficult, heroes. You will be tested on stealth, agility, speed, and hand to hand combat. You must be able to complete the mission before the sun sets tonight, which gives you 24 hours." Nightwing began.

"You will need to find three things that were stolen from us, the plans to our three bases-The Watchtower, Mount Justice and the Batcave. If these plans land into the wrong hands, any villain will be able to enter through any of our secret entrances. Nightingale stated.

"They are hidden in different locations in Nanda Parbat, on Infinity Island. Now, we must warn you, Deathstroke will be lurking around. He's still trying to find someone to be his apprentice. He has already tried twice, failed twice with Terra and Nightwing. If you encounter him, do not engage in a fight unless absolutely necessary. " Tigress added.

"Your team will be split into three equal groups- Alpha, Beta and Gamma. Alpha will consist of Ember, Wonder Girl and Terra. Beta will have Halo, Impulse and Beastboy. Gamma will have Nightstar, Bumblebee and Forager. Alpha will be going after the most important of the plans, the Batcave. Beta will go after the plans for Mount Justice and Gamma will retrieve the plans for the Watchtower." Robin finished.

We all nodded. If you didn't know already, Nightstar is Uncle Dick's kid, Mar'i. Forager is a bug with four arms and a strong outer shell. We all headed for the changing rooms, to get our gear on. As I was getting ready, Mom came to me.

"You sure you can do this? You know you can back out now."

"Mom, I'll be fine. Besides, you're testing everyone. What if I do better than some of the members who have been on the team for years now?"

"You're right. Good luck, my frozen ball of fire." Mom hugged me before leaving to update the system for my new name.

We all boarded the Bioship and took off, with Halo flying it.

* Timeskip *

"You will hold still!" Deathstroke yelled into my face. How did I get into this situation?

I miscalculated my jump and landed right on top of the mercenary. After retrieving the plans to the Batcave.

"Uh, guys? Don't wait up for me once you get your loads. I have the Batcave plans in my possession, I'm just busy at the moment. " I said into the mind-link that I set up. Yeah, I have telekinesis too, though it's not as strong as Miss Martian's.

"Are you sure, Ember? We could come and assist you." Halo asked.

"I'm fine. You know, I don't know why everyone says fighting Deathstroke is so hard! I'm practically running circles around him. He can't keep up!" I answered. I heard gasps all around.

"Why are you fighting Slade ?! Didn't you hear that we shouldn't fight him ?!" Terra cried

"Well, I miscalculated my jump from the vents and landed on him. Long story short, Slade got mad and began to fight me. And that's where we're at." I replied.

"Stop having a mental talk with your team, Brianne Reyes. Yes, I know who you are and who your family is. Your uncle Damian is the one who poked my eye out. And I hate it that he is running the League of Assassins. now .How can a hero lead a league of people trained to kill? Since you think you can do this on your own, tell me. Tell me do you plan to defeat me? now. "

"Well, Slade, I'll have you know that Uncle Damian isn't running the League of Assassins. His mother is. And I have a question to ask you. Did you grow up in a community where everyone was either a hero, or in your case, mercenaries? If you did, then surely you would have felt that you would be able to complete your first mission on your own.Were you given the choice to be a mercenary? you weren't the oddball in your community? Tell me, O great Slade Wilson, what happened. "

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